Lees ook het artikeldendritische-celtherapie-gecombineerd-met-een-vaccin-gericht-op-cd-133-eiwitexpressie-voor-patienten-met-een-hersentumor-glioblastoma-multiforme-wordt-in-fase-iii-studie-onderzocht

11 juli 2013: Bron: Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2013 Jul 2. [Epub ahead of print]

Dendritische celtherapie  gecombineerd met zogeheten mRNA's - stamcellen die verantwoordelijk zijn voor de groei van tumoren in de hersenen  - en uit de tumorcellen van de individuele patiënt gehaald - geeft therapeutisch succes bij kleinschalige studie met 7 patiënten. Bij alle patiënten sloeg de behandeling aan en de mediane levensduur verdriedubbelde van 236 dagen naar 694 dagen in vergelijking met statistische gegevens voor deze vorm en stadium van een hersentumor - glioma blastoma multiforme, (median 694 vs. 236 days, p = 0.0018, log-rank test). Ook hier dus succes voor een immuuntherapeutische aanpak van een in wezen tot nu toe ongeneeslijke vorm van kanker.

Het volledige studierapport: Therapeutic vaccination against autologous cancer stem cells with mRNA-transfected dendritic cells in patients with glioblastoma is gratis in te zien.

Dit is een studie die is uitgevoerd door CIMT het consortium voor de ontwikkeling van APVAC's - actief gepersonaliseerde vaccins bij hersentumoren.

Hier het abstract van deze studie:

Vaccination against glioblastoma stem cells is safe, well-tolerated, and may prolong progression-free survival

Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy© The Author(s) 201310.1007/s00262-013-1453-3

Therapeutic vaccination against autologous cancer stem cells with mRNA-transfected dendritic cells in patients with glioblastoma

Einar Osland Vik-Mo1, 2, 10, 11  , Marta Nyakas3, Birthe Viftrup Mikkelsen1, 10, 11, Morten Carstens Moe4, 10, 11, Paulina Due-Tønnesen5, Else Marit Inderberg Suso6, 10, 11, Stein Sæbøe-Larssen9, Cecilie Sandberg1, 10, 11, Jan E. Brinchmann7, 11, Eirik Helseth2, Anne-Marie Rasmussen6, 10, 11, Knut Lote8, Steinar Aamdal3,Gustav Gaudernack6, 10, Gunnar Kvalheim9, 10, 11 and Iver A. Langmoen1, 2, 10, 11
Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory for Neurosurgical Research, Institute for Surgical Research, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Department of Neurosurgery, Oslo University Hospital, Postbox 4956, Nydalen, 0424 Oslo, Norway
Department of Clinical Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
Department of Ophthalmology, Center for Eye Research, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
Department of Radiology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
Department of Immunology, Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
Ex Vivo Cell Laboratory, Institute of Immunology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
Department of Oncology, Cancer Clinic, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
Department of Cellular Therapy, Cancer Clinic, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
Cancer Stem Cell Innovation Center, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
Norwegian Stem Cell Center, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
Einar Osland Vik-Mo
Received: 15 February 2013Accepted: 17 June 2013Published online: 2 July 2013
The growth and recurrence of several cancers appear to be driven by a population of cancer stem cells (CSCs). Glioblastoma, the most common primary brain tumor, is invariably fatal, with a median survival of approximately 1 year. Although experimental data have suggested the importance of CSCs, few data exist regarding the potential relevance and importance of these cells in a clinical setting.
We here present the first seven patients treated with a dendritic cell (DC)-based vaccine targeting CSCs in a solid tumor. Brain tumor biopsies were dissociated into single-cell suspensions, and autologous CSCs were expanded in vitro as tumorspheres. From these, CSC-mRNA was amplified and transfected into monocyte-derived autologous DCs. The DCs were aliquoted to 9–18 vaccines containing 107 cells each. These vaccines were injected intradermally at specified intervals after the patients had received a standard 6-week course of post-operative radio-chemotherapy. The study was registered with the ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT00846456.
Autologous CSC cultures were established from ten out of eleven tumors. High-quality RNA was isolated, and mRNA was amplified in all cases. Seven patients were able to be weaned from corticosteroids to receive DC immunotherapy. An immune response induced by vaccination was identified in all seven patients. No patients developed adverse autoimmune events or other side effects. Compared to matched controls, progression-free survival was 2.9 times longer in vaccinated patients (median 694 vs. 236 days, p = 0.0018, log-rank test).
These findings suggest that vaccination against glioblastoma stem cells is safe, well-tolerated, and may prolong progression-free survival.
Electronic supplementary material
The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00262-013-1453-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.

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