24 augustus 2014: Bron: Tocagen

De laatste maanden krijg ik veel vragen van mensen met een hersentumor. Leuven heeft het project dendritische celtherapie bij hersentumoren stopgezet en neemt geen patiënten meer aan. Mensen vragen mij waar ze dan wel terecht kunnen.

Nu lopen er wereldwijd vele verschillende studies bij hersentumoren, zie onder gerelateerde artikelen vooral gericht op targeted therapie al of niet in combinatie met een immuuntherapeutische aanpak. Echter ook onderstaande ontwikkeling met Toca 511 & Toca FC is super interessant. Lees het artikel onder deze informatie met ook verwijzingen naar lopende studies:


Met deze methode wordt flucitosine gecombineerd met kleine dosis 5-FU verpakt als het ware zodat het de bloed/brain barriëre kan passeren en gekoppeld aan een immuuntherapeutisch middel. Uit proeven met muizen komen bijzonder goede resultaten:

Toca 511 is specifically designed to deliver the genetic instructions to produce Cytosine Deaminase (CD) protein inside cancer cells. The CD enzyme then catalyzes the conversion of the antifungal drug 5-FC (flucytosine) to the anticancer agent 5-FU (5-fluorouracil) inside the cancer cells. Thus the CD protein enables local production of a powerful, FDA approved anticancer drug (5-FU) that selectively destroys the cancer cells.

In multiple preclinical models of brain cancer, the animals treated with Toca 511 and 5-FC demonstrated statistically significant prolonged survival compared to control (non-treated and Toca 511 alone treated) animals. The control groups showed a median survival of approximately 1 month, compared to prolonged survival in the Toca 511 and 5-FC treated animals. In experiments extended out to one year, almost all mice treated with Toca 511 and 5-FC remained alive. No significant toxicity was observed in the animals treated with Toca 511 and 5-FC.

Toca Products Picture 2

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In similar experiments as shown above conducted in immune deficient and immune competent mice, tumors recur after stopping 5-FC treatment in immune-deficient, but not in immune-competent animals. This suggests that the immune system is able to control any residual tumor following treatment with 5-FC in syngeneic mice with an intact immune system, resulting in long-term survival.

Furthermore, as shown below, animals that had long-term survival from their brain cancer treatment with Toca 511 and 5-FC and subsequently re-challenged with the same tumor administered to their flank region were able to resist tumor growth. In contrast, animals not previously challenged and treated, allowed extensive brain tumor growth in their flank region.

Toca 511 beeld

14 maart 2014: Bron: persbericht van Tocagen

Toca 511 & Toca FC, een vorm van immuuntherapie met een gemodificeerd virus in combinatie met 5-FU bij hersentumoren - glioblastoma multiforme, heeft de eerste patiënt in behandeling genomen na uitstekende resultaten in dierstudies.

Voor hersentumoren komen meer en meer verschillende vormen van immuuntherapie beschikbaar, waaronder dus nu deze nieuwe studie met Toca 511 & Toca FC.  Interessant aan deze studie is dat deze lijkt op de immuuntherapeutische aanpak met een gemodificeerd virus bij prostaatkanker onder de naam Prostvac-V/fMaar ook verwantschap heeft met de Captem studie  bij alvleesklierkanker vanuit neuro endocriene oorsprong. De Toca 511 & Toca FC aanpak wordt overigens ook in studies bij andere vormen van kanker onderzocht en toegepast.

Toca 511 & Toca FC is een experimentele vorm van immuuntherapie.
Allereerst wordt een gemodificeerd virus (Toca 511), via een vector (Vector means any agent that acts as a carrier or transporter, as a virus or plasmid that conveys a genetically engineered DNA segment into a host cell), geladen met
een speciaal gist eiwit, een zogeheten cytosine deaminase (CD) intraveneus ingespoten om selectief kankercellen te infecteren. Na enige tijd om het virus de gelegenheid te geven zich in de kankercellen te nestelen, wordt het antibioticum Flucytosine ingespoten en deze converteert het ingebrachte 'cytosine deaminase' in het kankerdodende geneesmiddel 5-fluoruracil ( 5 - FU ). Volgens de onderzoekrs worden alleen kankercellen geinfiltreerd en wordt gezond weefsel niet aangetast. 

Dit onderzoek gebeurt in drie verschillende studies, vooraf aan de operatie, direct daarna en 6 weken daarna. Direct na de operatie wordt de Toca 511 ook ingespoten in de weefselranden waaruit de tumor is weggehaald. Na 6 weken wordt dan oraal 5-FU gegeven. De orale 5-FU wordt 6 maanden lang gecontinueerd. Uit laboratoriumproeven en dierstudies is gebleken dat deze combinatie een grote immuuntherapeutische reactie oproept en ook kan zorgen voor totale remissies, dus kankervrij worden.

Als u wilt weten hoe precies deze studies zijn opgezet en hoe de behandeling werkt kunt u dit studierapport: Design and Selection of Toca 511 for Clinical Use: Modified Retroviral Replicating Vector With Improved Stability and Gene Expression  vrij inzien. Maar is denk ik niet goed te begrijpen voor leken, maar wel voor artsen en wetenschappers neem ik aan.

De drie studieprotocollen staan hier:

De studie loopt zover ik kan zien alleen in enkele Amerikaanse ziekenhuizen. Maar u kunt hierover contact opnemen met Dan Pertschuk, MD Tel: 858-412-8409 E-mail: dpertschuk@tocagen.com Het beste is natuurlijk dit te doen met uw behandelend arts.

Hier het persbericht van Tocagen:

Tocagen Doses First Patient Intravenously in Clinical Trial of Selective Cancer Therapy, Toca 511 & Toca FC

Intravenous Delivery Is An Important Advancement in the Development of Toca 511,
Creates Opportunity For Use In Additional Cancer Indications

SAN DIEGO, – (March 11, 2014) — Tocagen Inc. today announced that the first patient has been dosed in its clinical trial investigating the intravenous administration of selective cancer therapy Toca 511 & Toca FC, in patients with recurrent high grade glioma (HGG) including glioblastoma multiforme (GBM, Grade 4 HGG), the most common and aggressive form of primary brain cancer.

The multicenter, open-label study is evaluating the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of ascending doses of Toca 511 administered intravenously before scheduled tumor removal. Toca 511 is also administered into the wall of the resection cavity at the time of tumor removal, followed by cycles of oral Toca FC. Removed tumor will be tested for the presence of Toca 511. Patients will be monitored for changes in clinical status and clinical response data will be collected.

“Patients diagnosed with recurrent brain cancer have limited treatment options, with patients typically surviving less than eight months, so there is a high level of need for new therapies to fight this disease,” said Steven Kalkanis M.D., vice chair, department of neurosurgery at the Henry Ford Hospital and principal investigator of this study. “Early data involving intra-tumoral delivery have shown Toca 511 & Toca FC can selectively kill cancer cells and not healthy brain cells. As the first center to enroll a patient in this new study, we look forward to evaluating the potential of this additional delivery approach.” Ian Y. Lee, M.D., neurosurgeon at the Henry Ford Hospital conducted the brain tumor surgery for this first case.

Toca 511 & Toca FC is an investigational gene therapy that is designed to selectively infect and kill cancer cells via a proposed dual mechanism of action: first, the Toca 511 virus selectively infects and mediates direct cancer cell killing via local production of 5-FU, a potent anticancer agent, and second, the immune system becomes activated selectively against the tumor resulting in long-term, systemic anticancer activity.

Harry Gruber, M.D., CEO of Tocagen, added, “We are making exciting progress with our selective cancer immunotherapeutic programs. Exploring the intravenous delivery of Toca 511 is an important step in our fight against brain cancer and towards expanding the types of cancers we can target using Tocagen’s technology, including metastatic cancers. We are also advancing our preclinical candidates that are designed to activate the immune system selectively to kill cancer cells: Toca gamma, which produces gamma interferon within cancer cells, as well as Toca RNAi, which inhibits immune checkpoints in cancer cells.”

More information about the trial can be found at ClinicalTrials.gov using the identifier NCT01985256. If interested in participating in this trial, an inquiry can be submitted here. In addition to Henry Ford Hospital, clinical trials with Toca 511 & Toca FC in patients with recurrent high grade glioma, including GBM, are being conducted at other leading neurooncology centers in the United States.

About Toca 511 & Toca FC

The combination of Toca 511 (vocimagene amiretrorepvec) for injection and Toca FC (flucytosine) extended-release tablets, is being investigated in Phase I/II studies at leading centers across the United States in patients with recurrent high grade glioma, including glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Toca 511 is a retroviral replicating vector (RRV) that is designed to deliver a prodrug activator gene called cytosine deaminase (CD) selectively to cancer cells. After allowing time for Toca 511 to spread through the tumor, those cancer cells expressing the CD gene can convert the antibiotic drug flucytosine into the anticancer drug 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). By producing 5-FU locally with CD, this technology has the potential to produce much higher intra-tumoral concentrations of 5-FU than can be currently attained with systemic administration. In addition to this initial, direct killing of cancer cells, preclinical data suggests a selective, local and systemic anticancer immune response without off-target toxicity, such as autoimmunity. The Toca 511 & Toca FC combination product is being investigated in three ascending dose trials in patients with recurrent high grade glioma.

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