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Aanbevolen abstracten door Dr. Roger Stupp:
Friday, October 20, 2023
16:00–17:30 CEST; Proffered Paper Session
CNS Tumours
498O INDIGO: A randomized, double-blinded, phase III study of vorasidenib versus placebo in IDH1 or IDH2 low-grade glioma. D Blumenthal
Take-Home Message
- This is certainly the most important clinical paper of the year. In this large placebo-controlled multicenter phase III trial, prolongation of progression-free survival has been shown in patients with IDH-mutant previously untreated low-grade glioma. Although it clearly identifies mutant IDH as a valuable target in low-grade glioma harboring an IDH-mutation, the trial opens more new questions than it answers.
- Dieta Brandsma will put this trial in context and examine its applicability in daily practice.
500O Trotabresib (CC-90010) combined with concomitant temozolomide (TMZ) plus radiotherapy (RT) and adjuvant TMZ in patients (pts) with newly diagnosed primary glioblastoma (ndGBM): Updated results from a phase Ib/II study. MV Villar
501O Glasdegib in combination with temozolomide and radiotherapy in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma: Phase Ib/II GEINO 1602 trial. MA Vaz Salgado
Take-Home Message
- Novel agents with novel mechanisms of action are urgently needed in neuro-oncology. Abstracts 500O and 501O, respectively, provide initial data on the use of trotabresib, a small molecule BET inhibitor, and glasdegib, a smoothened inhibitor, in combination with standard of care TMZ/RT à TMZ chemoradiotherapy.
- Anna Berghoff will discuss these results.
Saturday, October 21, 2023
10:15–11:45 CEST; Mini Oral Session
CNS Tumours
504MO Validation of a spectroscopic liquid biopsy for the earlier detection of brain cancer. JM Cameron
Take-Home Message
- Liquid biopsies in blood or CSF allow for longitudinal monitoring of brain tumors. Here, Dr. Cameron and colleagues present results on an infrared spectroscopy-based platform linked to artificial intelligence–enhanced algorithms to allow identification and characterization of brain tumors.
- The subsequent discussion by Joan Seoane (Barcelona, Spain), himself a pioneer in liquid biopsies of brain tumors, will put the findings in a larger context.
507MO REGOMA-OS: A large Italian multicenter, prospective, observational study analyzing regorafenib efficacy and safety in recurrent glioblastoma patients. G Lombardi
Take-Home Message
- The objective of this study was to validate earlier findings in a real-world population of patients with recurrent glioblastoma.
- The results will be discussed in light of negative confirmatory randomized trials (GBM Agile) and overall strategies for recurrent GBM by Emile Tabouret.
508MO Spatial remodeling of the immune tumor microenvironment after radiotherapy and CXCL12 inhibition in glioblastoma in the phase I/II GLORIA trial. JP Layer
Sunday, October 22, 2023
10:15–11:45 CEST; Special Symposium
Cutting edge diagnostics and innovation in the treatment of brain tumours
New treatment targets: From bench to bedside. M Sanson
Immunotherapy. M Platten
Opening the blood-brain barrier (BBB). A Sonabend
Methylation profiling: Hype or progress? H-K Ng
Take-Home Message
- This symposium will focus on translation from the bench to the bedside, with numerous and experienced expert speakers.
Sunday, October 22, 2023
CNS Tumours
530P Ultra low bevacizumab (BEVULTRA-100) as a novel approach in symptomatic management of high grade glioma: Can minimal dose make a difference? P Anuradha
Take-Home Message
- Bevacizumab has repeatedly failed to improve survival in newly diagnosed and recurrent GBM. Yet, bevacizumab is very valuable in symptomatic patients to treat peritumoral edema and sparing steroids; however, the optimal dose has not been established. The clinical trials evaluated a dose of 10 mg/kg every 2 weeks, although the first observation by Dr. Stark-Vance [EANO-WFNO 2006] was with a dose of only 5 mg/kg. Emerging data suggest that, for the anti-inflammatory effect, an even lower dose of bevacizumab may suffice.
- Here a prospective study using only 100 mg flat every 4 weeks suggests better symptom control and a lower steroid requirement.
535P Hypofractionated radiotherapy in fit elderly patients with glioblastoma: Relevant or detrimental? CM Martín Abreu
Take-Home Message
- Martin-Abreu evaluated the outcomes of a large cohort of 304 elderly (>70 yrs) patients with newly diagnosed GBM treated with either standard fractionated (30 x 2 Gy; n=74) radiotherapy or hypofractionated (not defined; n=129) or not receiving radiotherapy at all (n=73). Patients with standard fractionated radiotherapy did substantially better (OS, 23 months, compared with 11 months and 4 months, respectively).
- Differences are likely due to adequate patient selection rather than radiotherapy fractionation. Nevertheless, it raises the question on when hypofractionated radiation is indicated.
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