10 april 2023: Bron: BMJ 2023; 381 (Published 05 April 2023) Cite this as: BMJ 2023;381:e071609

Uit een grote meta-analyse van eerder uitgevoerde meta-analyses en observatiestudies en over blijkt dat een hoge suikerconsumptie in de voeding over het algemeen eerder schadelijk dan gunstig is voor de gezondheid, vooral bij cardiometabole aandoeningen en kanker is hoge suikerconsumptie echt schadelijk en beinvloed het de overall overleving en kwaliteit van de lichamelijke gesteldheid.

Het wordt aanbevolen om de consumptie van vrije suikers of toegevoegde suikers te verminderen tot minder dan 25 g/dag (ongeveer 6 theelepels/dag) en de consumptie van met suiker gezoete dranken te beperken tot minder dan één portie/week (ongeveer 200-355 ml/week) om het nadelige effect van suikers op de gezondheid te beperken.

Het originele studierapport bevat zoveel grafieken en beschrijvingen dat ik er maar niet aan begin om alles te vertalen. In deze grafiek is schematisch weergegeven wat de onderzoekers uit hun meta-analyse hebben gevonden. (tekst gaat onder afbeelding verder)  

Fig 7

Fig 7

Map of outcomes associated with dietary sugar consumption

Wat betreft de relatie tussen suikerconsumptie en kanker schrijven de onderzoekers een en ander vergezeld van referentienummers van onderliggende studies, waarbij aangetekend dat de termen lage en zeer lage kwaliteit verwijst naar de algemene kwaliteit van de studies die vaak niet gerandomiseerd waren maar via vooral vragenlijsten werden samengesteld. Maar als je de studies nader bekijkt zijn de resultaten teoch wel opmerkelijk en passen in het beeld van dat suikerconsumptie zeker effect heeft op het ontwikkelen van kanker.

Zie onderstaande grafiek figuur 5:

Fig 5

Fig 5

Significant non-dose-response relations between dietary sugar consumption and cancer outcomes. Comparisons are highest versus lowest, estimates are relative risks, and effect models are random unless noted otherwise. Complete associations between dietary sugar consumption and cancer outcomes are shown in supplementary table C. AMSTAR=a measurement tool to assess systematic reviews; GRADE=Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation; C=cohort studies; CI=confidence interval; NA=not available; P=population based case-control and/or cross sectional studies; SSB=sugar-sweetened beverage; T=total No of studies

Bewijs van lage kwaliteit

Een dosis-respons-meta-analyse toonde aan dat het risico op primaire leverkanker met 100% toenam (risicoverhouding 2,00, 1,33 tot 3,03) voor de hoogste consumptie van gezoete suikers in vergelijking met de laagste (laag; IV).18 
Aanvullend een analyse uitgevoerd door Aune en collega's vond dat 25 g fructose-inname per dag lineair geassocieerd was met een 22% hoger risico op alvleesklierkanker (risicoverhouding 1,22, 1,08 tot 1,37) (laag; III) 72 
De associatie tussen fructose-inname en incidentie van alvleesklierkanker bleef significant in de subgroepen van studies die corrigeerden voor roken, body mass index, consumptie van rood en bewerkt vlees en energie-inname, terwijl de associatie afnam in de subgroepen van studies die corrigeerden voor alcoholconsumptie, diabetesstatus of fysieke activiteit. activiteit (fig 2fig 5).72

Bewijs van zeer lage kwaliteit

Een recente meta-analyse van zes observationele studies toonde een hoger risico op borstkanker voor consumptie van gezoete dranken met de hoogste versus de laagste suiker (risicoverhouding 1,14, 1,01 tot 1,30)..19 
In een aparte meta-analyse ontdekten Li en collega's dat de hoogste suikerconsumptie consumptie van gezoete dranken het risico op borstkankersterfte zou kunnen verhogen met 17% (risicoverhouding 1,17, 1,03 tot 1,34) in vergelijking met de laagste.18 
Bovendien toonde een meta-analyse van zes cohortstudies aan dat deelnemers met de hoogste consumptie van gezoete dranken met suiker een hoger risico op prostaatkanker dan degenen met de laagste inname (risicoverhouding 1,17, 1,07 tot 1,28). Dosis-responsanalyse bracht geen significant verband aan het licht.18 
We hebben echter een beschermend verband waargenomen tussen de consumptie van met suiker gezoete dranken en glioom in onze overkoepelende review (risicoverhouding 0,81, 0,66 tot 0,99).18 
Daarnaast is er een meta-analyse met 20 cohortstudies met 5 505 812 deelnemers observeerden een positieve lineaire dosis-responsrelatie tussen de consumptie van met suiker gezoete dranken en het algehele risico op kanker. 1.09)18 
Het risico nam toe met 4% voor elke portie/dag toename van met suiker gezoete drankconsumptie (risicoverhouding 1,04, 1,01 tot 1,09)).18 
Verder vond een gepoolde analyse van 10 cohortstudies met 1 239 183 deelnemers dat de hoogste versus laagste consumptie van suikerzoete dranken significant geassocieerd was met een hoger risico op totale kankersterfte (risicoverhouding 1,06, 1,00 tot 1,12), zonder een significante dosis-responsrelatie18 
Stratificatie per regio leverde een positief verband op tussen de consumptie van met suiker gezoete dranken en de totale kankersterfte in het Noorden Amerikaanse bevolking (odds ratio 1,08, 1,01 tot 1,15) maar niet in Azië (0,99, 0,81 tot 1,22) (fig 2fig 5).18

We hebben geen significant verband waargenomen tussen de consumptie van met suiker gezoete dranken en het risico op galwegkanker,18 blaaskanker,18 darmkanker,,73 dikkedarmkanker,18 sterfte aan dikkedarmkanker,18 endometriumkanker,18 slokdarmkanker,18 maagkanker,18 hematologische maligniteit ,18 nierkanker,18 sterfte aan longkanker,18 nasofarynxcarcinoom,18 alvleesklierkanker,18 en prostaatkankersterfte.18 Bovendien was de consumptie van toegevoegde suikers niet geassocieerd met het risico op darmkanker..74 We zagen geen significant verband tussen de inname van sucrose en alvleesklierkanker.72 Lactose-inname was bovendien niet geassocieerd met het risico op eierstokkanker (aanvullende tabel C).75

Het volledige studierapport is zoals gezegd heel omvangrijk met veel grafieken enz. Klik op de titel van het abstract om naar het volledige studierapport te gaan dat is gratis in te zien:

Dietary sugar consumption and health: umbrella review

BMJ 2023; 381 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj-2022-071609 (Published 05 April 2023)Cite this as: BMJ 2023;381:e071609

  1. Yin Huang, doctoral student1,  
  2. Zeyu Chen, resident physician1,  
  3. Bo Chen, doctoral student1,  
  4. Jinze Li, doctoral student1,  
  5. Xiang Yuan, masters student2,  
  6. Jin Li, doctoral student1,  
  7. Wen Wang, associate professor3,  
  8. Tingting Dai, attending physician4,  
  9. Hongying Chen, consultant physician5,  
  10. Yan Wang, consultant physician5,  
  11. Ruyi Wang, attending physician1,  
  12. Puze Wang, masters student1,  
  13. Jianbing Guo, attending physician1,  
  14. Qiang Dong, professor1,  
  15. Chengfei Liu, professor6,  
  16. Qiang Wei, professor1,  
  17. Dehong Cao, associate professor1,  
  18. Liangren Liu, associate professor1
Author affiliations
  1. Correspondence to: L Liu liuliangren@scu.edu.cn
  • Accepted 28 February 2023


Objective To evaluate the quality of evidence, potential biases, and validity of all available studies on dietary sugar consumption and health outcomes.

Design Umbrella review of existing meta-analyses.

Data sources PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and hand searching of reference lists.

Inclusion criteria Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials, cohort studies, case-control studies, or cross sectional studies that evaluated the effect of dietary sugar consumption on any health outcomes in humans free from acute or chronic diseases.

Results The search identified 73 meta-analyses and 83 health outcomes from 8601 unique articles, including 74 unique outcomes in meta-analyses of observational studies and nine unique outcomes in meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials. Significant harmful associations between dietary sugar consumption and 18 endocrine/metabolic outcomes, 10 cardiovascular outcomes, seven cancer outcomes, and 10 other outcomes (neuropsychiatric, dental, hepatic, osteal, and allergic) were detected. Moderate quality evidence suggested that the highest versus lowest dietary sugar consumption was associated with increased body weight (sugar sweetened beverages) (class IV evidence) and ectopic fatty accumulation (added sugars) (class IV evidence). Low quality evidence indicated that each serving/week increment of sugar sweetened beverage consumption was associated with a 4% higher risk of gout (class III evidence) and each 250 mL/day increment of sugar sweetened beverage consumption was associated with a 17% and 4% higher risk of coronary heart disease (class II evidence) and all cause mortality (class III evidence), respectively. In addition, low quality evidence suggested that every 25 g/day increment of fructose consumption was associated with a 22% higher risk of pancreatic cancer (class III evidence).

Conclusions High dietary sugar consumption is generally more harmful than beneficial for health, especially in cardiometabolic disease. Reducing the consumption of free sugars or added sugars to below 25 g/day (approximately 6 teaspoons/day) and limiting the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages to less than one serving/week (approximately 200-355 mL/week) are recommended to reduce the adverse effect of sugars on health.

Systematic review registration PROSPERO CRD42022300982.

Conclusions and recommendations

This umbrella review shows that high dietary sugar consumption, especially intake of sugars that contain fructose, is harmfully associated with large numbers of health outcomes. Evidence for the harmful associations between dietary sugar consumption and changes in body weight (sugar sweetened beverages), ectopic fat accumulation (added sugars), obesity in children (sugar sweetened beverages), coronary heart disease (sugar sweetened beverages), and depression (sugar sweetened beverages) seems to be more reliable than that for other outcomes. Evidence of the association between dietary sugar consumption and cancer remains limited but warrants further research. In combination with the WHO and WCRF/AICR recommendations and our findings, we recommend reducing the consumption of free sugars or added sugars to below 25 g/day (approximately six teaspoons a day) and limiting the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages to less than one serving a week (approximately 200-355 mL/week).38119 To change sugar consumption patterns, especially for children and adolescents, a combination of widespread public health education and policies worldwide is urgently needed.

What is already known on this topic

  • Sugar consumption could have negative effects on health, especially obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hyperuricaemia, gout, ectopic fatty accumulation, dental caries, and some cancers

  • Deficiencies in study design, varying measurements, inconsistent findings, and different definitions of exposure make drawing final conclusions on associations difficult

  • Comprehensive evaluation of the quality of existing evidence on the associations of sugar consumption with all health outcomes is needed

What this study adds

  • High dietary sugar consumption is generally more harmful than beneficial for health, especially in cardiometabolic disease

  • Evidence of the association between dietary sugar consumption and cancer remains limited but warrants further research

  • Existing evidence is mostly observational and of low quality, and further randomised controlled trials are needed

Ethics statements

Ethical approval

Not needed.

Data availability statement

The list of all meta-analyses not selected for data extraction and reanalysis is available if needed.


We thank Nanxi Yan for her linguistic assistance during the preparation and revision of this manuscript.


  • Contributors: YH, ZYC, BC, and, JZL are joint first authors and contributed equally to this work. QW, DHC, and LRL are joint corresponding authors and contributed equally to this work. YH, ZYC, BC, and JZL conducted study selection, data extraction, and analysis and wrote the manuscript. QW, DHC, and LRL designed the study, supervised the project, and revised the manuscript. XY, JL, WW, TTD, HYC, YW, RYW, PZW, JBG, QD, and CFL assisted with detailed statistical analysis. All authors reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript. LRL is the guarantor. The corresponding authors (QW, DHC, and LRL) attest that all listed authors meet authorship criteria and that no others meeting the criteria have been omitted.

  • Funding: This study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant number 82000721) and Program from the Department of Science and Technology of Sichuan Province (grant number 2020YJ0054). The funders had no role in considering the study design or in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data, the writing of the report, or the decision to submit the article for publication.

  • Competing interests: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form at www.icmje.org/disclosure-of-interest/ and declare: support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Program from the Department of Science and Technology of Sichuan Province for the submitted work; no financial relationship with any organisations that might have an interest in the submitted work in the previous three years; no other relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work.

  • The lead author affirms that the manuscript is an honest, accurate, and transparent account of the study being reported; that no important aspects of the study have been omitted; and that any discrepancies from the study as planned (and, if relevant, registered) have been explained.

  • Dissemination to participants and related patients and public communities: After publication, the findings of this review will be disseminated to appropriate audiences such as academia, clinicians, policy makers, and the general public, through various channels including blogs, press releases, and social media.

  • Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.


This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt and build upon this work, for commercial use, provided the original work is properly cited. See: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.


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