31 oktober 2005: Bron: J Nutr. 2005 Aug;135(8):1879-88.

Het eten van bloemkool, wortelen, uien en erwten of een samengestelde mix daarvan heeft een positieve invloed op de veranderingprocessen van bepaalde genen die verantwoordelijk zijn voor (anti) - kankerprocessen in het voorkomen en ontstaan van darmkanker, blijkt uit Nederlandse dierstudie. Wie onder longkanker informatie kjikt onder voeding en voedingstoffen in alfabetische lijst ziet een zelfde vergelijkbaar opgezette studie van dezelfde Nederlandse onderzoekers. Dat abstract hebben we vertaald voor u. Onderstaande abstract hebben we onvertaald gelaten omdat het veelal dezelfde informatie en resultaten bevat.

Vegetables affect the expression of genes involved in anticarcinogenic processes in the colonic mucosa of C57BL/6 female mice.

van Breda SG, van Agen E, van Sanden S, Burzykowski T, Kienhuis AS, Kleinjans JC, van Delft JH.
Department of Health Risk Analysis and Toxicology, Maastricht University, The Netherlands.

There is abundant epidemiological evidence that vegetable consumption decreases colorectal cancer (CRC) risk. However, the molecular targets in the genome are mostly unknown. The present study investigated the effects of vegetable consumption on gene expression in the colon mucosa of female C57Bl/6 mice using cDNA microarray technology. Mice were fed one of 8 diets: a control diet containing no vegetables (diet 1); a diet containing 100 g/kg (diet 2, 10% dose), 200 g/kg (diet 3, 20% dose), or 400 g/kg (diet 4, 40% dose) of a vegetable mixture; or a diet containing 70 g/kg of cauliflower (diet 5, 7% dose), 73 g/kg of carrots (diet 6, 7.3% dose), 226 g/kg of peas (diet 7, 22.6% dose); or 31 g/kg of onions (diet 8, 3.1% dose). The vegetable mixture used in diets 2 to 4 consisted of the 4 individual vegetables used in diets 5 to 8: cauliflower (30% wet wt), carrots (30% wet wt), peas (30% wet wt), and onions (10% wet wt). To assess gene expression changes, colonic mucosal cells were collected after the mice were killed. Total RNA was isolated and microarray technology was used to measure the expression levels of 602 genes simultaneously. For 39 genes, significant dose-dependent effects were found, although in general the relations were not linear. For 15 genes, the altered expression could indeed explain reduced cancer risk at various stages of CRC development. Eleven genes were modulated by the vegetable mixture as well as by one or more of the individual vegetables. For 7 of the genes, the modulation by the mixture was due to the effect of a particular vegetable. These genes are of particular interest because they were consistently affected and could be involved in the prevention of CRC by vegetable consumption.

PMID: 16046712 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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