29 oktober 2011: uit veel studies blijkt dat chemo bij een recidief van eierstokkanker weinig zinvol is, zie ook hieronder maar ook in linkerkolom andere artikelen daarover. Wellicht is direct eribuline mesylate geven beter. Hopelijk worden hiermee snel studies opgezet na twee beloftevolle studies met eribuline mesylase bij gevorderde borstkanker en recidief van gevorderde  eierstokkanker

10 oktober 2010: Bron: The Lancet

Vroeger beginnen met behandelen op basis van stijging van CA-125 markers ter voorkoming van een recidief van eierstokkanker heeft geen enkel positief effect op mediane ziektevrije tijd of uiteindelijke overleving. Opnieuw worden de resultaten van een gerandomiseerde fase III studie bekendgemaakt, nu in The Lancet die aantoont dat meting van CA-125 zinloos is en alleen maar onnodige spanning met zich meebrengt. Vorig jaar al maakten we melding van soortgelijke studieresultaten waarbij nog duidelijker werd aangetoond dat chemo bij eierstokkanker ter voorkoming van een recidief zinloos is. Een grote fase III waaraan ook het Erasmus Medisch Centrum meewerkte. Zie onder eierstokkanker - algemeen

Hier het abstract van de publicatie uit The Lancet van de nieuwste studie. Het volledige artikel kunt u gratis inzien bij The Lancet als u zich laat registereren, klik daarvoor hier.


Serum CA125 concentration often rises several months before clinical or symptomatic relapse in women with ovarian cancer. In the MRC OV05/EORTC 55955 collaborative trial, we aimed to establish the benefits of early treatment on the basis of increased CA125 concentrations compared with delayed treatment on the basis of clinical recurrence.


Women with ovarian cancer in complete remission after first-line platinum-based chemotherapy and a normal CA125 concentration were registered for this randomised controlled trial. Clinical examination and CA125 measurement were done every 3 months. Patients and investigators were masked to CA125 results, which were monitored by coordinating centres. If CA125 concentration exceeded twice the upper limit of normal, patients were randomly assigned (1:1) by minimisation to early or delayed chemotherapy. Patients and clinical sites were informed of allocation to early treatment, and treatment was started as soon as possible within 28 days of the increased CA125 measurement. Patients assigned to delayed treatment continued masked CA125 measurements, with treatment commencing at clinical or symptomatic relapse. All patients were treated according to standard local practice. The primary outcome was overall survival. Analysis was by intention to treat. This study is registered, ISRCTN87786644.


1442 patients were registered for the trial, of whom 529 were randomly assigned to treatment groups and were included in our analysis (265 early, 264 delayed). With a median follow-up of 56·9 months (IQR 37·4—81·8) from randomisation and 370 deaths (186 early, 184 delayed), there was no evidence of a difference in overall survival between early and delayed treatment (HR 0·98, 95% CI 0·80—1·20, p=0·85). Median survival from randomisation was 25·7 months (95% CI 23·0—27·9) for patients on early treatment and 27·1 months (22·8—30·9) for those on delayed treatment.


Our findings showed no evidence of a survival benefit with early treatment of relapse on the basis of a raised CA125 concentration alone, and therefore the value of routine measurement of CA125 in the follow-up of patients with ovarian cancer who attain a complete response after first-line treatment is not proven.


UK Medical Research Council and the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer.

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