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7 januari 2019: lees ook dit artikel: 


15 juli 2012: Hoewel de FOBT ontlastingstest een aantal voordelen heeft is ook deze niet 100% betrouwbaar. In Nederland wordt als proef al enige jaren in sommige ziekenhuizen ook aanvullend gevraagd naar persoonlijke factoren: Project: Risk profiling for colon cancer. Op basis van de resultaten uit dit onderzoek wordt in 2013 een bevolkingsonderzoek naar darmkanker ingevoerdBevolkingsonderzoek darmkanker

17 november 2006: Bron: Cancer. 2006;107:2152-2159 en Medscape

Een ontlastingtest welke kijkt naar immunologische reacties is significant effectiever en betrouwbaarder dan een ontlastingstest welke kijkt naar bloedsporen. Beide testen kunnen thuis worden gedaan maar nu blijkt dus dat de FIT test beter is dan de GFOBT test. Hier de resultaten uit de studie

De FIT test gaf een veel vaker waar-positief resultaat op kanker (n = 24; 87.5% vs 54.2%) en op adenomas (n = 61; 42.6% vs 23.0%).

Verkeerd-positief voor elke vorm van een afwijking (neoplasia) was marginaal hoger met de FIT test dan met de GFOBT (3.4% vs 2.5%; 95% confidence interval of difference, 0% - 1.8%), terwijl positief voorspellende waarden waren 41.9% voor de FIT en 40.4% voor de GFOBT.

Fecal Immunochemical Test May Be Most Effective for At-Home Colon Cancer Screening CME News Author: Laurie Barclay, MD

November 15, 2006 ¡ª The fecal immunochemical test is more effective for at-home colon cancer screening than is a sensitive fecal occult blood test (FOBT), according to the results of a study reported in the November issue of Cancer.

"Fecal immunochemical tests (FIT) are an advanced fecal occult blood test (FOBT) technology that reduces barriers to population screening by simplifying the logistics of stool-sampling," write Alicia Smith, MD, of the Repatriation General Hospital in Daw Park, South Australia, and colleagues. "The current study was conducted to undertake a paired comparison of a sensitive guaiac FOBT (GFOBT; Hemoccult II Sensa, Beckman Coulter, Fullerton, CA) with a brush-sampling FIT (InSure; Enterix, North Ryde, NSW, Australia), to determine whether this FIT improves detection of significant neoplasia."

While following dietary restrictions appropriate for GFOBT, a screening cohort of 2351 adults and a symptomatic diagnostic group of 161 patients sampled consecutive stools at home, using both FIT and GFOBT sampling devices. The investigators performed paired comparison of positivity rates in those found to have cancer and/or significant adenoma (high-grade dysplasia, villous change, ¡Ý 10 mm, serrated histology, or ¡Ý 3 polyps), benign pathology, or no pathology.

Based on combined results for both cohorts, the FIT gave a true-positive result significantly more often in cancer (n = 24; 87.5% vs 54.2%) and in significant adenomas (n = 61; 42.6% vs 23.0%). Of all 13 patients with UICC (International Union Against Cancer) stage I cancers, 12 had a positive FIT and 4 had a positive GFOBT result (P = .002).

Analyses of the screening cohort alone revealed that the FIT was superior to the GFOBT for detecting cancers and significant adenomas. The false-positive rate for any neoplasia was marginally higher with the FIT than the GFOBT (3.4% vs 2.5%; 95% confidence interval of difference, 0% - 1.8%), whereas positive predictive values were 41.9% for the FIT and 40.4% for the GFOBT.

"This brush-sampling FIT is more sensitive for cancers and significant adenomas than a sensitive GFOBT," the authors write. "As such, it should deliver greater reductions in colorectal cancer mortality and incidence than the GFOBT."

Study limitations include inability to directly estimate specificity for neoplasia or pathology of any type. "Although this study has been directed toward examining relative effectiveness for detection of neoplasia, the FIT technology also has distinct behavioral advantages," the authors conclude. "Patients are more likely to participate, i.e., complete and return the test sampling kit, when diet and drug restrictions are removed and when a simpler sampling procedure, such as the brush method combined with reduced number of samples, is used. As detection of neoplasia at the population level is a product of sensitivity and participation, brush-sampling FIT will achieve better detection than spatula-sampling GFOBT."

The National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia and Enterix Australia Pty. Ltd. funded this study.

Cancer. 2006;107:2152-2159.

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