12 augustus 2005: Bron: Nutraingredients and J Urol. 2005 Sep;174(3):1065-1070.

Een gerandomiseeerde studie bij 93 mannen met vroeg gediagnosteerde prostaatkanker bewijst dat een drastische verandering van leefstijl en voedingspatroon de prostaatkanker kan stoppen en zelfs in sommige gevallen kan doen verdwijnen. In vergelijking met de controlegroep had in de voedingsgroep geen enkele patient een reguliere ingreep nodig wegens progressie van hun ziekte, in tegenstelling tot 6 mannen uit de controlegroep. Bovendien stopte of daalde bij ALLE mannen uit de voedingsgroep de PSA tegenover bij alle anderen in de controlegroep een stijging van de PSA werd gezien binnen de follow-up van 1 jaar. De groei van LNCaP prostaat kancercellen, gemeten door serum meting, werd 8 keer zo groot geremd in de experimentele groep dan in de controlegroep (70% vs 9%, p <0.001).We zullen dit abstract en artikel uit Nutraingredients komende dagen vertalen maar nu even geen tijd, maar leest u de Engelstalige informatie die o.i. opnieuw een mooi voorbeeld is van het uitstekende effect van voeding en leefstijl op kanker.


Ornish D, Weidner G, Fair WR, Marlin R, Pettengill EB, Raisin CJ, Dunn-Emke S, Crutchfield L, Jacobs FN, Barnard RJ, Aronson WJ, McCormac P, McKnight DJ, Fein JD, Dnistrian AM, Weinstein J, Ngo TH, Mendell NR, Carroll PR.

From the Departments of Urology (PRC) and Medicine (DO) and Preventive Medicine Research Institute (DO, RM, EBP, CJR, SDE, LC, PM, DJM, JDF, JW, GW), University of California-San Francisco, San Francisco and Departments of Physiological Science (RJB, THN) and Urology (WJA), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, Department of Urologic Oncology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (WRF and AMD), New York and Department of Statistics, State University of New York at Stony Brook (NRM), Stony Brook, New York, and Windber Research Institute (FNJ), Johnstown, Pennsylvania.

PURPOSE:: Men with prostate cancer are often advised to make changes in diet and lifestyle, although the impact of these changes has not been well documented. Therefore, we evaluated the effects of comprehensive lifestyle changes on prostate specific antigen (PSA), treatment trends and serum stimulated LNCaP cell growth in men with early, biopsy proven prostate cancer after 1 year.

MATERIALS AND METHODS:: Patient recruitment was limited to men who had chosen not to undergo any conventional treatment, which provided an unusual opportunity to have a nonintervention randomized control group to avoid the confounding effects of interventions such as radiation, surgery or androgen deprivation therapy. A total of 93 volunteers with serum PSA 4 to 10 ng/ml and cancer Gleason scores less than 7 were randomly assigned to an experimental group that was asked to make comprehensive lifestyle changes or to a usual care control group.

RESULTS:: None of the experimental group patients but 6 control patients underwent conventional treatment due to an increase in PSA and/or progression of disease on magnetic resonance imaging. PSA decreased 4% in the experimental group but increased 6% in the control group (p = 0.016). The growth of LNCaP prostate cancer cells (American Type Culture Collection, Manassas, Virginia) was inhibited almost 8 times more by serum from the experimental than from the control group (70% vs 9%, p <0.001). Changes in serum PSA and also in LNCaP cell growth were significantly associated with the degree of change in diet and lifestyle. CONCLUSIONS:: Intensive lifestyle changes may affect the progression of early, low grade prostate cancer in men. Further studies and longer term followup are warranted.

PMID: 16094059 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] Lifestyle, diet may halt prostate cancer progression By Dominique Patton
11/08/2005 - Men with early stage prostate cancer who make drastic changes to their diet and lifestyle may stop or perhaps even reverse the progression of their illness, claim US researchers. Their study is one of the first randomized, controlled trials to demonstrate that lifestyle changes may affect the progression of a cancer. The findings are important as prosate cancer is the second most common cancer in men after lung cancer. It was the most common form of cancer diagnosed among men in the European Union during 2004, representing 15 per cent of male cancers and 238,000 new cases, according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). The team from the University of California in San Francisco recruited 93 men with biopsy-proven prostate cancer who had decided not to follow conventional treatment for the disease. They were randomly divided into two groups. The first was placed on a vegan diet consisting primarily of fruits, vegetables, wholegrains and legumes. They also received supplements of soy, vitamins and minerals and participated in moderate aerobic exercise, yoga/meditation, and a weekly support group session. None of the men in this group had conventional prostate cancer treatments such as surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy during the study. The second group made no changes to diet and lifestyle and six members of this group underwent conventional treatments because their disease progressed. After one year, PSA levels (a protein marker for prostate cancer) decreased in the group who had changed their lifestyle, the researchers will report in the September issue of the Journal of Urology. In contrast, PSA levels increased in the comparison group. There was a direct correlation between the degree of lifestyle change and the changes in PSA, said the scientists. Further, they found that serum from the participants inhibited prostate tumour growth in vitro by 70 per cent in the lifestyle-change group but only 9 per cent in the comparison group. Again, there was a direct correlation between the degree of lifestyle change and the inhibition of prostate tumour growth. Patients in the lifestyle-change group also reported marked improvements in quality of life. "This study provides important new information for men with prostate cancer and all men who hope to prevent it,” said study author Dr Peter Carroll, chair of the department of urology at the University of California. He said it is the first in a series of trials attempting to better identify the exact role of diet and lifestyle in the prevention and treatment of prostate cancer. "Changes in diet and lifestyle that we found in earlier research could reverse the progression of coronary heart disease may also affect the progression of prostate cancer as well," added co-author Dean Ornish, also founder and president of the non-profit Preventive Medicine Research Institute. He added that men with prostate cancer who undergo conventional treatments may also benefit from making comprehensive lifestyle changes. The researchers are continuing to follow the trial patients to determine the effects of their changes in diet and lifestyle on morbidity and mortality.

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