24 augustus 2021: Bron:  Author manuscript; available in PMC 2010 Sep 6

Fotodynamische therapie (PDT) bij kanker maakt gebruik van niet-toxische fotosensitizers en onschadelijk zichtbaar licht in combinatie met zuurstof om kwaadaardige tumorcellen - kankergezwellen te doden. Daardoor ontstaat er necrotisch weefsel in het lichaam. Wat nog wel eens gebeurt is dat dit necrotisch weefsel het immuunsysteem van de kankerpatiënt stimuleert en soms ontstaat er een vorm van antitumor immuniteit. Blijkt het immuunsysteem de nog levende kankercellen elders in het lichaam te herkennen als lichaamsvreemd en worden deze kankercellen aangezet tot apoptose - zelfdoding. Werkt dan uiteindelijk als immuuntherapie.

In tegenstelling tot chirurgie, radiotherapie en chemotherapie die meestal immuunonderdrukkend zijn stimuleert Fotodynamische therapie (PDT) juist het immuunsysteem. 

In dit artikel worden een aantal veel gebruikte en door de FDA goedgekeurde fotosensitizers besproken: Clinical development of photodynamic agents and therapeutic applications.

Over radachlorin en bremachlorin niet-toxische fotosensitizers van Andrei Reshetnickov staat op onze website ook veel informatie. Zie deze search.

In een mooi overzicht met een lange referentielijst beschrijven drie wetenschappers Ana P. Castano,* Pawel Mroz,* and Michael R. Hamblin*‡ de geschiedenis van PDT - foto dynamische therapie en hoe antitumorimmuniteit kan ontstaan en/of worden gestimuleerd door de PDT te combineren met andere middelen. 

Een koste samenvatting uit het artikel vertaalt via google translate:

  • Fotodynamische therapie (PDT) maakt gebruik van niet-toxische kleurstoffen en onschadelijk zichtbaar licht in combinatie met zuurstof om zeer reactieve zuurstofsoorten te produceren die cellen doden.
  • Naast het vernietigen van tumorweefsel door een proces dat cellulaire necrose en de expressie van stress-eiwitten kan veroorzaken, veroorzaakt PDT een acute ontsteking en trekt het leukocyten aan naar behandelde tumoren.
  • PDT zou de immunogeniciteit van dode tumorcellen kunnen verhogen door nieuwe antigenen bloot te stellen of te creëren, en door heatshock-eiwitten te induceren die de efficiëntie van antigeenkruispresentatie verhogen om effectievere tumorspecifieke cytotoxische T-cellen te vormen.
  • De pro-inflammatoire effecten van PDT kunnen de dendritische celmigratie, antigeenopname en rijping verhogen.
  • PDT kan tumorgenezingen en langdurige tumorspecifieke immuniteit (geheugen) produceren, zoals is aangetoond door de afstoting van tumoren bij hernieuwde blootstelling in bepaalde muis- en ratmodellen.
  • PDT is gecombineerd met een reeks immunostimulerende therapieën, waaronder microbiële adjuvantia, om de door PDT alleen geproduceerde antitumorimmuniteit te verhogen.
  • Er zijn slechts enkele meldingen van de immunostimulerende effecten van PDT bij mensen, maar toenemende herkenning van het effect zou moeten leiden tot verder werk en mogelijk tot een beter resultaat voor de patiënt.

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 Author manuscript; available in PMC 2010 Sep 6.
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PMCID: PMC2933780
PMID: 16794636

Photodynamic therapy and anti-tumour immunity


Photodynamic therapy (PDT) uses non-toxic photosensitizers and harmless visible light in combination with oxygen to produce cytotoxic reactive oxygen species that kill malignant cells by apoptosis and/or necrosis, shut down the tumour microvasculature and stimulate the host immune system. In contrast to surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy that are mostly immunosuppressive, PDT causes acute inflammation, expression of heat-shock proteins, invasion and infiltration of the tumour by leukocytes, and might increase the presentation of tumour-derived antigens to T cells.

The principle of photodynamic therapy (PDT) was first proposed over 100 years ago. A recent review in Nature Reviews Cancer by Rakesh Jain and colleagues described some of the historical milestones in the development of PDT as a cancer treatment. Many of the photosensitizers (PSs) that have been studied since PDT was first proposed are based on a porphyrin-like nucleus. PSs function as catalysts when they absorb visible light and then convert molecular oxygen to a range of highly reactive oxygen species (ROS). The ROS that are produced during PDT have been shown to destroy tumours by multifactorial mechanisms, (FIG. 1). PDT has a direct affect on cancer cells, producing cell death by necrosis and/or apoptosis. PDT also has an affect on the tumour vasculature, whereby illumination and ROS production causes the shutdown of vessels and subsequently deprives the tumour of oxygen and nutrients,. Finally, PDT also has a significant effect on the immune system, which can be either immunostimulatory or immunosuppressive.

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The mechanism of action on tumours in photodynamic therapy

The photosensitizer (PS) absorbs light and an electron moves to the first short-lived excited singlet state. This is followed by intersystem crossing, in which the excited electron changes its spin and produces a longer-lived triplet state. The PS triplet transfers energy to ground-state triplet oxygen, which produces reactive singlet oxygen (1O2). 1O2 can directly kill tumour cells by the induction of necrosis and/or apoptosis, can cause destruction of tumour vasculature and produces an acute inflammatory response that attracts leukocytes such as dendritic cells and neutrophils.

Most of the commonly used cancer therapies are immunosuppressive. Chemotherapy and ionizing radiation delivered at doses sufficient to destroy tumours are known to be toxic to the bone marrow, which is the source of all cells of the immune system, and neutropaenia and other forms of myelosuppression are often the dose-limiting toxicity of these therapies. However, it should be noted that low doses of either ionizing radiation, or chemotherapy can have immunostimulatory effects, including the induction of heat-shock proteins. Less well known is the fact that major surgery can also have an immunosuppressive effect that leads to a significant diminution of lymphocyte and natural killer (NK) cell function. The ideal cancer therapy would not only destroy the primary tumour, but at the same time trigger the immune system to recognize, track down and destroy any remaining tumour cells, be they at or near the site of the primary tumour or distant micrometastases. PDT, in common with some other local cancer therapies such as cryotherapy and hyperthermia, might have these desirable properties.

The importance of the immune system in the host response against cancer has been studied for many years, but immunotherapy is only accepted as a treatment option in a few cases. More than 700 cases of spontaneous regression in advanced tumours in patients have been reported, including malignant melanoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, lung metastases after destruction of the primary renal cell carcinoma and Hodgkin disease. Moreover, such spontaneous regressions normally occur following an infection.

Cancer immunotherapy (even if unrecognized as such) has a long history. The Egyptians noted that surgical opening of the tumour site could produce tumour regression, one would assume through the generation of infection and activation of the immune system. Over 100 years ago a surgeon from New York, William Coley, discovered that some infections could produce tumour regression, and he created a ‘vaccine’ based initially on erysipelas-causing bacteria. The bacillus Calmette–Guerin (BCG) vaccine derived from Mycobacterium bovis has been used to prevent tuberculosis since 1921, and has been applied for immunostimulation in neoplasia since the 1960s. The most effective use of this treatment is for superficial bladder cancer.

Since these early studies, groundbreaking discoveries in immunology have identified the roles of lymphocyte classes and subclasses, dendritic cells and antigen presentation, interleukins (IL) and other cytokines, and tumour-associated antigens and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules in mediating the anti-tumour immune response. However, most cancers avoid or escape immune control,, and death from metastatic cancer is still the most likely result. In this Review we discuss the effect of PDT on the anti-tumour immune response, and the role of PDT in stimulating and suppressing both the innate immune response and adaptive immune response. We also summarize the available data on combinations of PDT with other immunostimulatory therapies.


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