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15 september 2017: Bron: ESMO 2017

Wanneer longkankerpatienten met operabele niet-klein-cellige longkanker na een succesvolle operatie aanvullend naast chemo immuuntherapie krijgen met een combinatie van dendritische celtherapie plus gemoduleerde T-cellen dan hebben zij 25 procent grotere kans de 5 jaar te overleven en uiteindelijk te genezen dan met alleen chemotherapie. 

Aan de studie deden totaal 103 patiënten met operabele longkanker mee. Groep A (N = 51 patiënten) kreeg chemo plus immuuntherapie met dendritische celtherapie plus gemoduleerde T-cellen. Groep B (N = 52 patiënten) kreeg alleen chemo.

De 2-jaars overall overleving (OS) waren respectievelijk in groep A (chemo plus immuuntherapie) 96,0 procent vs 64,7 procent in groep B (alleen chemo) en 5-jaars overall overleving (OS) 69.4% versus 45.1% in groep B.

Ook het verschil in progressievrije ziekte was veel beter met immuuntherapie dan zonder: op respectievelijk 2 en 5 jaars meting: 70.0% (groep A) en 43,1% (groep B) en 57,9% (groep A) en 31.4% (groep B), respectievelijk.

Dendritische celtherapie met gemoduleerde T-cellen

In dit studierapport: Synergistic Effect of Dendritic Cell Vaccine with Immune Modulating Chemo Drugs wordt beschreven hoe dendritische celtheprie met gemoduleerde T-cellen werkt en is volledig gratis te bekijken.

Hier het abstract van de studie bij longkankerpatiënten: Phase III randomized controlled trial of adjuvant chemoimmunotherapy in patients with resected primary lung cancer waarvan de eindresultaten op ESMO 2017 werden gepresenteerd.

Daaronder het abstract met referentielijst van deze studie: Role of Cell Based Approaches in Cancer Immunotherapy een aanvulling op de andere studie: Synergistic Effect of Dendritic Cell Vaccine with Immune Modulating Chemo Drugs

Non-small-cell lung cancer patients benefitedfrom adoptive cellular immunotherapy asanadjuvant to surgery. Immunological analysis of cell surface markers indicated cytotoxic Tcells were essential for a favorable chemo immunotherapy outcome.

Source: ESMO 2017:

Phase III randomized controlled trial of adjuvant chemoimmunotherapy in patients with resected primary lung cancer
H. Kimura1, Y. Matsui2, T. Nakajima3, T. Iizasa4, A. Ishikawa3 1Thoracic Surgery, Saiseikai Narashino Hospital, Narashino City, Chiba, Japan, 2Thoracic Surgery, Chiba Cancer Center, Nitona-cho-, Chiba, Japan, 3General Thoracic Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba Univercity, Chu-o-ku, Chiba, Japan, 4Thoracic Surgery, Chiba Cancer Center, Chu-o-ku, Chiba, Japan

Adoptive cellar immunotherapy is notwidely approvedasa treatment option for cancer treatment.The preliminary results from our phase III, randomized controlled trial (RCT) of adjuvant chemoimmunotherapyfor lung cancer indicated significant advantages in patients receiving immunotherapy. Here we report the final results and long-term analysis of this RCT.

Ahundred and three postsurgical non-small-cell lung cancer patients were randomly designated to receive either chemoimmunotherapy(group A, immunotherapyarm, n¼51)or chemotherapy (group B, control arm, n¼52). The immunotherapyconsisted of adoptive transfer of autologous activated killer Tcells anddendritic cells obtained from regionallymph nodes of the patients.

The 2- and 5-year overall survival (OS) rates were 96    0% and 69.4% in group Aand 64    7% and45.1% in group B, respectively. The hazard ratio (HR)was 0.451 (0.2350.807) by multivariate analysis. The 2- and 5-year recurrence-free survival rates were 70.0% and 57    9% in group Aand 43.1% and 31.4% in group B, respectively.P valuesof Log-rank test between groups were 0.0059. Subgroup analysis for the OS between treatment groups indicated males (HR, 0    474), adenocarcinoma patients(HR, 0    479), stage III cancer patients (HR, 0    399), and those who did not receive preoperative chemotherapy (HR, 0    483) had lower HRs than those in the other groups. Immunological analysis ofcellsurface markersin regional lymph nodesof subjects receiving immunotherapy indicated that the CD8þ/CD4þT-cell ratio was elevatedin survivors.

Non-small-cell lung cancer patients benefitedfrom adoptive cellular immunotherapy asanadjuvant to surgery. Immunological analysis of cell surface markers indicated cytotoxic Tcells were essential for a favorable chemoimmunotherapy outcome. Clinical trial identification: The University Hospital Medical Information Network in Japan (UMIN:000007525). Legal entity responsible for the study: Chiba Cancer Center, Japan Funding: None Disclosure: All authors have declared no conflictsof interest.

Tangible benefits from DC vaccine can be realized by employing multifaceted approach including chemotherapy.

Synergistic Effect of Dendritic Cell Vaccine with Immune Modulating Chemo Drugs Anjum Mahmood1, Seetharaman Rajasekar2, Chandan Bora3 and Shiva Sreenath Andrali4* 1,2,3North American Biomedical Research Center, Brighton Estates, Cayon, St Kitts and Nevis, West Indies; 4North American Biomedical Research Center, 1927 Zonal Ave, Los Angeles, California-90033*; Phone: 323-223-1927; Fax: 323-223-1940 ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract Dendritic cells (DCs) have been tested for cancer immunotherapy over the past two decades in different clinical trials. During this period, efforts were put forth to optimize different parameters influencing the anti-tumor efficacy of ex-vivo generated DCs including maturation stimuli, antigen source, route of vaccine administration and adjuvant usage. In a recent paradigm shift, combinatorial therapy has emerged as possible answer to improve the efficacy of DC vaccines. Specifically, chemotherapy is reported to be associated with synergistic effects with DCs by altering the innate and adaptive arms of immune system. Chemotherapeutic drugs promote the molecular rearrangement on apoptotic tumor cells rendering them to be recognized by phagocytic DCs. The phagocytosis of immunogenic tumor cells results in maturation of DCs leading to an effective antitumor response. While the tumor suppressive microenvironment is subverted, the actions of chemo drugs also stimulate the immune effector cells either directly or indirectly by causing the release of cytokines. Here, we reviewed the assessment of the clinical development in DC vaccine trials and focused on combinatorial approaches using chemo drugs while understanding molecular mechanism underlying the interactions between anti-neoplastic drugs and immune cells. Synergistic Effect of Dendritic Cell Vaccine with Immune Modulating Chemo Drugs (PDF Download Available). Available from: [accessed Sep 15, 2017].

In light of current knowledge and advances in cancer immunotherapy we conclude that under optimal conditions, tangible benefits can be realized in cancer management.

Role of Cell Based Approaches in Cancer Immunotherapy
Anjum Mahmood1, Anjani Srivastava2, Shivangi Srivastava2, Hiteshree Pandya1, Neel Khokhani1, Divyang Patel1 and Rangnath Mishra3*
1GIOSTAR Research Pvt Ltd, India
2Global Institute of Stem Cell Therapy and Research, USA
3Department of Medicine, National Jewish Health, USA
Received:February 17, 2017 | Published: May 05, 2017
*Corresponding author: Rangnath Mishra, Department of Medicine, National Jewish Health, Denver, CO 80206, USA, Email:
Citation: Mahmood A, Srivastava A, Srivastava S, Pandya H, Khokhani N (2017) Role of Cell Based Approaches in Cancer Immunotherapy. J Stem Cell Res Ther 2(5): 00077. DOI: 10.15406/jsrt.2017.02.00077


Immunotherapies hold the potential for cancer treatment since their mode of action is distinct to chemo and radiation therapy and largely depends on harnessing body’s own immune system. The major advantage associated with cancer immunotherapy is that cell responses are specific to tumor and with low or negligible toxicity. Preclinical and clinical studies have evidenced that modulation of immune system can subvert the immunosuppressive environment under progressive tumor conditions. The modulation can be brought into several ways including infusion of ex-vivo or in-vivo activated antigen presenting cells (dendritic cells), immune checkpoint antibodies, adoptive transfer of T cells, genetically modified T cells, cancer cell vaccines, stem cells, cytokines and others. In this review, we will keep the discussion focused to some of cell based approaches.

Recent advances in understanding the mechanism underlying tumor progression and role of immune system has laid the foundation of immunotherapy based interventions in clinical malignancies. By adopting unique immunotherapeutic approach specific to diseased condition and optimal conditions of delivery significant level of benefits can be expected. Further, exploration of new targeted strategies is also required to extend scope of application and avoid unwanted adverse events in patients. The targeting of other identified DC cell surface receptors like mannose receptor (MR), CIRE, DC-SIGN, DCIR, LSECtin, L-SIGN, Langerin, Dectin, DNGR-1, MICL, MGL CLEC2, CLEC12B, LOX-1, BDCA-2, DEC205, scavenger receptor, DC-ASGPR, FIRE, DC-STAMP and Toll-like receptors (TLRs) will definitely open the new dimensions in in-vivo DC based approaches [5]. Further, targeting of cancer stem cells (CSCs) via DCs will also improve specificity of anti-tumor activity. Similarly, role of MSC derived exosomes in delivery of therapeutic agents is also currently under investigation in several studies. Exosome-mediated delivery of tumor suppressor miRNAs and targeting of growth-regulatory pathways, such as the Wnt and Hedgehog pathways, as well as angiogenic pathways, such as the VEGF and kinase pathways, could be novel strategies to monitor tumor growth. In light of current knowledge and advances in cancer immunotherapy we conclude that under optimal conditions, tangible benefits can be realized in cancer management.


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