6 juni 2009: Bron: ASCO 2009:  Journal of Clinical Oncology

ORLANDO, 4 juni - Gedeeltelijke borst bestraling biedt patienten met beginnende borstkanker  gelijkwaardige overleving en bescherming tegen uitzaaiingen in vergelijking met bestraling van het hele borstgebied, bljkt uit de resultaten van een meta-analyse gepresenteerd op ASCO 2009.

Echter, of er een verhoogde kans is op een  loco-regionaal recidief met gedeeltelijke borstbestraling moet nog verder worden onderzocht naar de risico's en mogelijke gevolgen, zei Davide Mauri, MD,  op de American Society of Clinical Oncology vergadering.
"Partiële bestraling van de borst kan  veilig worden uitgevoerd en is goed te verdragen voor vrouwen met een vroeg stadium van borstkanker, omdat het geen afbreuk doet aan de overlevingskansen van de patiënt of het risico van uitzaaiingen," zei Dr Mauri, van het General Hospital of Lamia, Greece.
Partiële borst bestraling vergt aanzienlijk minder tijd en blootstelling aan straling vergeleken met hele borst bestraling, welke de richtlijn is voor patiënten met een vroeg stadium van borstkanker.

De belangrijkste voordelen van adjuvante totale borstbestraling hebben betrekking op de dosis die aan borstkanker weefsel wordt gegeven rondom de plaats waar de tumor heeft gezeten, zei Dr Mauri.
Als gevolg daarvan kan een doelgerichte gedeeltelijke borstbestraling een goed alternatief zijn voor de totale borstbestraling. Of de partiële borstbestraling een verschillend effect zou hebben met betrekking tot overleving en uitzaaiingen was tot nu toe niet onderzocht.

Om de relatieve risico's en voordelen van de twee behandelingsmethoden te vergelijken, hebben Dr Mauri en collega's een meta-analyse gemaakt van drie gerandomiseerde klinische studies waarbij zij totale borstbestraling en gedeeltelijke borstbestraling hebben vergeleken. Er waren totaal 1140 patiënten bij betrokken in deze meta-analyse.

De analyse toonde gelijke overlevingscijfers met de twee vormen van bestraling, weerspiegeld in een hazard ratio van 0,912.
"Voor elke patiënt die zal sterven na een behandeling met totale borststraling, zal een patiënt sterven met  de behandeling van de gedeeltelijke bestraling van de borst", zegt Dr Mauri.
Echter, uit de analyse bleek ook een significant verhoogd risico van herhaling in dezelfde borst (OR 2.15, p = 0,001) of aanverwante lymfeklieren (OR 3,43, p <0,0001) bij vrouwen die behandeld werden met gedeeltelijke borstbestraling. Het risico van uitzaaiingen op afstand of supraclavicular herhaling verschilde niet tussen de behandelingsgroepen.

Dr Mauri stelt echter dat bij het toegenomen risico van een lokaal recidief een fout te zien gaf in de opzet van de bestraling bij twee van de drie studies welke waren geanalyseerd.
In deze studies werd een gestandaardiseerd bestralingsveld gebruikt, ongeacht de grootte van de tumor. Als gevolg van deze standaard bestraling zou deze een gebied met al uitzaaiingen kunnen hebben gemist en zouden de patiënten toch zijn gerconfronteerd met een verhoogd risico op een recidief.
"Deze verklaring maakt het vinden van een hogere kans op lokale recidieven minder zorgwekkend," zegt hij.

Hoewel gedeeltelijke borstbestraling de naleving van de therapie verbetert, verdient het verhoogde risico op een locoregional recidief nader onderzoek om te bepalen voor artsen en patiënten hoe dit riscio moet worden beschouwd,  zegt Jennifer Obel, MD op een persconferentie.

"Ik denk dat voordat we kunnen zeggen dat op basis van een meta-analyse deze aanpak de nieuwe standaard voor de zorg voor vrouwen met vroege borstkanker dient te worden, ik u wil zeggen dat er veel gerandomiseerde studies met vrouwen met gedeeltelijke borstbestraling versus totale borstbestraling , gesponsord door grote coöperatieve groepen momenteel worden uitgevoerd, "zegt Dr Obel van NorthShore Universiteit HealthSystem in Evanston, Ill

"De resultaten van deze studies zullen in de komende jaren worden bekend gemaakt," zegt ze. "We moeten waarschijnlijk wachten totdat die resultaten er zijn voordat we hierover een besluit maken."

 Valachis A, et al "Partial breast irradiation or whole breast radiotherapy for early breast cancer: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials" J Clin Oncol 27(15 suppl): Abstract CRA532.

ORLANDO, June 4 -- Partial-breast irradiation offers early-stage breast cancer patients equivalent survival and protection against metastasis compared with whole-breast treatment, results of a meta-analysis indicate.

However, an increased likelihood of locoregional recurrence with partial-breast irradiation requires further study to define the risk and potential consequences, Davide Mauri, M.D., said at the American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting.


"Partial-breast irradiation may be safe and feasible for women with early-stage breast cancer because it does not jeopardize patient survival or the risk of metastasis," said Dr. Mauri, of General Hospital of Lamia, Greece.


Partial-breast irradiation involves substantially less time commitment and radiation exposure compared with whole-breast irradiation, which has been the standard for patients with early-stage breast cancer.


The principal benefits of adjuvant whole-breast irradiation pertain to the dose delivered to breast tissue surrounding the tumor bed, said Dr. Mauri.


As a result, targeted-fields partial-breast irradiation might offer an effective alternative to whole-breast irradiation. Whether the partial-breast irradiation involves tradeoffs related to survival and metastasis had not been examined.


To assess the relative risks and benefits of the two treatment modalities, Dr. Mauri and colleagues performed a meta-analysis of three randomized clinical trials comparing whole-breast and partial-breast irradiation. The trials involved a total of 1,140 patients.


The analysis revealed similar survival with the two forms of irradiation, reflected in a hazard ratio of 0.912.


"For each patient who will die with whole-breast radiation treatment, one patient will die with the partial-breast irradiation technique," said Dr. Mauri.


However, the analysis also revealed a significantly increased risk of recurrence in the same breast (OR 2.15, P=0.001) or associated lymph nodes (OR 3.43, P<0.0001) in women treated with partial-breast irradiation.


The risk of distant metastasis or supraclavicular recurrence did not differ between treatment groups.


Dr. Mauri suggested, however, that the increased recurrence risk reflected a fault in the design of two of the three trials analyzed.


Those trials used a standardized radiation treatment field, irrespective of tumor size. As a result, the radiation might have covered an inadequate area and missed areas of residual tumor, predisposing the patients to an increased risk of recurrence.


"This explanation makes the finding of increased local recurrences less concerning," he said.


Although partial-breast irradiation improves adherence to therapy, the increased risk of locoregional recurrence deserves closer examination to determine whether physicians and patients should be considered, Jennifer Obel, M.D., said at a press briefing.


"I think before we say from a meta-analysis that this should be the next standard of care for women with early breast cancer, I would like to tell you that there are many randomized studies, sponsored by major cooperative groups, randomizing women to partial-breast irradiation versus whole breast irradiation," said Dr. Obel, of NorthShore University HealthSystem in Evanston, Ill.


"Those studies will be forthcoming in the next few years," she said. "We probably should await those until we make our decision."


ASCO: No Survival Loss with Partial-Breast Irradiation

By Charles Bankhead, Staff Writer, MedPage Today
Published: June 04, 2009
Reviewed by Robert Jasmer, MD; Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco .
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ORLANDO, June 4 -- Partial-breast irradiation offers early-stage breast cancer patients equivalent survival and protection against metastasis compared with whole-breast treatment, results of a meta-analysis indicate.
Action Points  
  • Explain to patients that partial-breast irradiation for early breast cancer does not increase the risk of death or metastasis.

  • Note that an increased risk of locoregional recurrence requires further study.

  • Note, too, that this study was published as an abstract and presented orally at a conference. These data and conclusions should be considered to be preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.

However, an increased likelihood of locoregional recurrence with partial-breast irradiation requires further study to define the risk and potential consequences, Davide Mauri, M.D., said at the American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting.


"Partial-breast irradiation may be safe and feasible for women with early-stage breast cancer because it does not jeopardize patient survival or the risk of metastasis," said Dr. Mauri, of General Hospital of Lamia, Greece.


Partial-breast irradiation involves substantially less time commitment and radiation exposure compared with whole-breast irradiation, which has been the standard for patients with early-stage breast cancer.


The principal benefits of adjuvant whole-breast irradiation pertain to the dose delivered to breast tissue surrounding the tumor bed, said Dr. Mauri.


As a result, targeted-fields partial-breast irradiation might offer an effective alternative to whole-breast irradiation. Whether the partial-breast irradiation involves tradeoffs related to survival and metastasis had not been examined.


To assess the relative risks and benefits of the two treatment modalities, Dr. Mauri and colleagues performed a meta-analysis of three randomized clinical trials comparing whole-breast and partial-breast irradiation. The trials involved a total of 1,140 patients.


The analysis revealed similar survival with the two forms of irradiation, reflected in a hazard ratio of 0.912.


"For each patient who will die with whole-breast radiation treatment, one patient will die with the partial-breast irradiation technique," said Dr. Mauri.


However, the analysis also revealed a significantly increased risk of recurrence in the same breast (OR 2.15, P=0.001) or associated lymph nodes (OR 3.43, P<0.0001) in women treated with partial-breast irradiation.


The risk of distant metastasis or supraclavicular recurrence did not differ between treatment groups.


Dr. Mauri suggested, however, that the increased recurrence risk reflected a fault in the design of two of the three trials analyzed.


Those trials used a standardized radiation treatment field, irrespective of tumor size. As a result, the radiation might have covered an inadequate area and missed areas of residual tumor, predisposing the patients to an increased risk of recurrence.


"This explanation makes the finding of increased local recurrences less concerning," he said.


Although partial-breast irradiation improves adherence to therapy, the increased risk of locoregional recurrence deserves closer examination to determine whether physicians and patients should be considered, Jennifer Obel, M.D., said at a press briefing.


"I think before we say from a meta-analysis that this should be the next standard of care for women with early breast cancer, I would like to tell you that there are many randomized studies, sponsored by major cooperative groups, randomizing women to partial-breast irradiation versus whole breast irradiation," said Dr. Obel, of NorthShore University HealthSystem in Evanston, Ill.


"Those studies will be forthcoming in the next few years," she said. "We probably should await those until we make our decision."



Dr. Mauri and colleagues reported no disclosures.


Dr. Obel disclosed a relationship with Onyx Pharmaceuticals.



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