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Controversies in the Treatment of DCIS
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21 oktober 2011: Het lijkt me goed om ook dit artikel Bestraling - radiotherapie na borstbesparende operatie bij borstkanker reduceert significant de kans op een recidief en geeft grotere kans op overall overleving, aldus grote EBCTCG studie bij 10800 borstkankerpatienten. te lezen in combinatie met onderstaand artikel.
24 mei 2011: Bron: Medscape
Vrouwen met beginnende borstkanker (DCIS - ductaal in situ) die na de operatie ook nog bestraald werden hadden mediaan een langere ziektevrije tijd tot een recidief optrad dan de vrouwen die alleen waren geopereerd. Echter als er een recidief optrad was dit wel invasiever voor de groep vrouwen die ook waren bestraald. Dus meer uitgebreid en agressiever. En de 10 jaars overleving was voor de groep die alleen een operatie kreeg licht hoger, wel als statistisch significant bestempeld, dan de groep die ook bestraling erbij had gekregen. 99,7% na 10 jaar vs 98,3% (P = .01).
Dit blijkt uit een prospectieve studie bij 1014 patiënten met DCIS, die een borstbesparende behandeling hadden ondergaan. 651 patiënten hadden geen bestraling gekregen na de operatie, terwijl 363 vrouwen wel postoperatief waren bestraald. Mediane follow-up tijd van controle van de vrouwen voor de operatiegroep was 6 jaar, terwijl deze voor de operatie plus bestralingsgroep 9 jaar en 1 maand bedroeg, een statistisch significant verschil(p <.01). Daaruit zou blijken dat controle van borstkankerpatienten niet moet stoppen na 5 jaar, zeker niet voor vrouwen die ook bestraald zijn
Binnen 10 jaar was de kans op een lokaal recidief bij patiënten in de operatiegroep 30% vergeleken met 18% voor de operatie plus bestralingsgroep. Wel bleek dat bij 37% van de tumoren die terugkwamen in de operatiegroep deze invasief waren. Daartegenover bleek bij 57% van de terugkeerde kanker invasief bij de vrouwen die naast een operatie ook bestraald waren. De mediane ziektevrije tijd tot een lokaal recidief optrad was 53 maanden in de groep die uitsluitend een operatie kreeg tegenover 90 maanden voor de vrouwen die naast de operatie ook bestraald waren. Bovendien bleek bij slechts 10% van de terugkerende tumoren in de operatiegroep de kanker teruggekeerd in een ander deel van de borst tegenover 28% van de tumoren die terugkeerden bij patiënten behandeld met operatie plus bestraling dit zich voordeed in een ander deel van de borst. Volgens de onderzoekers suggereert dit dat vrouwen die een aanvullende bestraling krijgen meer risico lopen op een nieuwe primaire vorm van kanker dan vrouwen die behandeld werden met alleen een operatie.
En erg belangrijk: de onderzoekers stelden ook vast dat er een lichte, maar statistisch significante borstkanker-specifieke overlevingskans was voor de operatiegroep dan voor de groep die ook na de operatie werd bestraald, 99,7% na 10 jaar vs 98,3% (P = .01).
De onderzoekers merken op dat veel patiënten denken dat na 5 jaar de kans op een recidief nagenoeg nihil is, dat ze veilig zijn en genezen, maar patienten moeten zich ervan bewust zijn dat wanneer zij bestraald zijn, de kanker ook na 5 jaar nog terug kan komen.. Zo zegt een onderzoeker dit tegen Medscape: "dus er is een heel ander patroon van een optredend recidief, afhankelijk van de wijze waarop patiënten worden behandeld. De belangrijkste conclusie van deze studie is dat we patiënten die ook zijn bestraald op een andere manier dienen te volgen".
Hier een citaat uit een artikel dat Medscape schreef:
Fewer tumors recur with DCIS after excision plus radiotherapy but overall survivingrates at 10 year are significant better without radiotherapy
Source: Medscape
Prospective Data Reveal Recurrence Patterns
Data were prospectively collected on a total of 1014 patients with DCIS who had undergone breast-conserving therapy. Some 651 patients had no RT after excision, whereas 363 received postoperative RT. Mean follow-up for the excision alone group was 72 months, whereas the mean follow-up for the excision plus RT group was 109 months, a difference that was statistically significant (P < .01) but that reflects the fact that excision alone has not been accepted as an alternative approach to DCIS until fairly recently, Dr. Grumley noted.
At 10 years, the probability of any local recurrence among patients in the excision alone group was 30% compared with 18% for the excision plus RT group. Some 37% of tumors that recurred in the excision alone group were invasive vs 57% of those in the excision plus RT group. The mean time to any local recurrence was 53 months in the excision alone group vs 90 months in the excision plus RT group.
In addition, only 10% of recurring tumors in the excision alone group recurred in a different quadrant of the breast vs 28% of tumors that recurred in patients treated with excision plus RT, suggesting that women who receive additional RT are more at risk for a new primary cancer than women treated with excision alone.
Moreover, only 9% of patients in the excision alone group experienced recurrence after 10 years compared with 33% of the excision alone group.
Table. Tumor Recurrence in Patients Receiving Excision Alone and Those Receiving Excision With RT
Recurrence | Excision Alone | Excision With RT | P Value |
10-Year probability of any local recurrence, % | 30 | 18 | <.001 |
Invasive local recurrence, % | 37 | 57 | .009 |
Mean time to local recurrence, mo | 53 | 90 | <.001 |
Different quadrant, % | 10 | 28 | .0016 |
Recurrence after 10 years, % | 9 | 33 | <.001 |
RT = radiation therapy
Dr. Grumsley's team also found that there was a slight but statistically significant breast cancer–specific survival advantage for the excision alone group at 99.7% at 10 years vs 98.3% (P = .01). "A lot of patients think that after 5 years there is no need to think about cancer anymore, I'm safe, but you have to be aware of the fact that cancers [that have been treated with RT] can recur much later on — after 5 years," Dr. Grumley told Medscape Medical News. "So there is a very different pattern or recurrence depending on how patients are treated. The main conclusion to this study is that we have to follow patients who receive RT in a different way."
An ASBS spokesperson, Deanna Attai, MD, of the Center For Breast Care Inc, of Burbank, California, told Medscape Medical News that there is no doubt that RT is an important treatment modality for patients with breast cancer because "Investigators clearly showed that recurrence rates were much lower in women who received RT than those who did not."
Prospective studies of women with “low-risk” DCIS have successfully identified women at lower than average risk, but have not achieved the goal of identifying a subset of women with DCIS at minimal risk of recurrence after surgical excision alone.
Controversies in the Treatment of DCIS
Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) accounts for 20% of all newly diagnosed breast cancers. Mastectomy was once the gold standard for the treatment of DCIS; however, breast-conserving surgery (BCS) has been adopted as the treatment of choice for patients with small, screen-detected lesions. Both adjuvant radiation and hormonal therapy following BCS have been demonstrated in randomized trials to reduce the risk of invasive recurrence, but neither affects survival. With the variety of surgical and adjuvant treatment options available, there has been great interest in tailoring the treatment to the individual, with the goal of optimizing the balance of risks and benefits according to the values and priorities of the woman herself. Prospective studies of women with “low-risk” DCIS have successfully identified women at lower than average risk, but have not achieved the goal of identifying a subset of women with DCIS at minimal risk of recurrence after surgical excision alone.
A recent retrospective study by Narod et al evaluated 10- and 20-year breast cancer-specific mortality among 108,196 women with DCIS identified from the SEER database. The 20-year breast cancer mortality was 3.3%, with no significant difference in mortality based on treatment received (11). Of note, all women underwent treatment appropriate for their clinical situation, according to clinical judgment and patient preference; treatment was not assigned in a randomized fashion. Furthermore, all patients received treatment, and it is likely that women with higher-risk disease generally received more aggressive treatment. Nevertheless, this retrospective, non-randomized study has been misinterpreted by some as evidence that DCIS is an entity that does not require treatment, and that all treatments result in similar outcomes. While it is true that DCIS is a heterogeneous disease with a poorly understood natural history, the evidence supporting DCIS as a precursor to invasive carcinoma is strong and supported by prospective studies, and proof of safety of observation without surgical excision is lacking. In fact, although combining clinical factors does allow identification of a group of women with DCIS that is at a relatively low risk of recurrence after complete surgical excision (8–10), the ability to safely predict that a particular DCIS lesion will not invade when left in situ remains an unreached goal.
The treatment for DCIS is no longer a “one-size-fits-all” approach. In judging the “best” treatment option for an individual, an individual’s priorities are paramount in choosing the most appropriate treatment plan. The goal of the physician is to inform the discussion and decision making by presenting historic and modern data, so that a truly informed decision can be made regarding the various options. Because RT has been shown to reduce the risk of local recurrence by half following BCS, but has no impact on breast cancer mortality, it is difficult to make a recommendation that all women with DCIS should get RT, particularly since RT also carries rare but potentially serious risks. Similarly, although endocrine therapy reduces ipsilateral and contralateral events, there is no evidence of a survival advantage and there are risks associated with both tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors. Further, although there is a clearly lower rate of recurrence with mastectomy as compared to BCS, any theoretical survival benefit would be very small, and mastectomy can have a negative impact on quality of life.
We believe that the optimal approach to counseling patients with DCIS is to have a thorough discussion of the options, including the relative importance to that individual woman of the various risks and benefits associated with each treatment. An estimate of risk can assist her in weighing the pros and cons according to her own values, so that she can choose the treatment that is best for her.
Half of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) recurrences are invasive, with similarities in morphology and genetic profiles between invasive and in situ cancers, providing support that DCIS is a precursor to invasive carcinoma.
Radiation therapy reduces the risk of local recurrence after breast-conserving surgery for DCIS by half, but can be associated with rare but serious side effects.
Endocrine therapy reduces the risk of local recurrence after breast-conserving surgery and RT by about 30%; however, many patients experience side effects with therapy, which reduces compliance.
Mortality from DCIS is low (approximately 2–5%) following appropriate surgical treatment with mastectomy or breast-conserving surgery (with or without radiation).
Local recurrence rates following breast-conserving surgery have declined over time, likely due to improvements in radiologic detection and pathologic assessment.
Young age (< 40 years) is associated with a higher risk recurrence, and especially invasive recurrence, following breast-conserving surgery, whilst older age (> 80 years) is associated with a lower risk of any recurrence.
Individualized risk prediction tools can assist in estimating risk of recurrence for a woman undergoing breast-conserving surgery for DCIS.
The optimal approach to counseling patients with DCIS includes weighing the risks and benefits of the various treatment options, so that the best treatment option for the individual is chosen.
The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.
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Hoe kan het dan dat men nu bijna altijd standaard gaat bestralen na borst besparende operatie, terwijl uit dit rapport blijkt dat dit juist niet gunstig is.
Ik zou hier graag meer over willen weten en over praten met mensen die hier ervaring in hebben of zelf geopereerd zijn.
Keus; alleen borst besparend, of toch met bestralen, of borst amputatie, met of zonder bestraling
Als antwoord op uw vraag zie artikel hierboven waaraan ik een recente reviewstudie heb toegevoegd met referenties zelfs uit 2021.
Is dit voldoende antwoord op uw vraag?
Met vriendelijke groeten, Kees Braam