8 juni 2012: we hebben in onderstaand artikel enkele veranderingen gemaakt en aangepast aan recente informatie. Als u hier klikt kunt u het volledige studierapport van deze studie: Diagnostic evaluation of HER-2 as a molecular target: an assessment of accuracy and reproducibility of laboratory testing in large, prospective, randomized clinical trials gratis inzien.

12 december 2005: Bron: Clin Cancer Res. 2005 Sep 15;11(18):6598-607.

Een diagnosetechniek met licht (FISH = fluorescence in situ hybridization) is superieur aan standaard laboratorium diagnosetechnieken voor vaststellen van Her2-Neu expressie bij borstkankerpatiënten blijkt uit grote gerandomiseerde prospectieve studie bij 2600 vrouwen. Het resultaat uit deze grote studie was een 92% betrouwbaarheid van deze Fish techniek. O.i. erg belangrijk voor borstkankerpatiënten om te weten te komen of zij Her2-Neu expressie bezitten of niet. Bovendien lijkt de Her2-Neu expressie in de tijd ook te kunnen veranderen, zie onder diagnose technieken en kunnen vrouwen van negatief toch Her2-Neu positief worden bv. door behandelingen met bv. Arimidex of Femara of Exemestane. Laat een jaarlijkse test doen op Her2-Neu expressie. Dit kan zoveel uitmaken in uw kansen op levensverlenging. Hier het abstract van deze studie.

Clin Cancer Res. 2005 Sep 15;11(18):6598-607

Diagnostic evaluation of HER-2 as a molecular target: an assessment of accuracy and reproducibility of laboratory testing in large, prospective, randomized clinical trials.

Press MF, Sauter G, Bernstein L, Villalobos IE, Mirlacher M, Zhou JY, Wardeh R, Li YT, Guzman R, Ma Y, Sullivan-Halley J, Santiago A, Park JM, Riva A, Slamon DJ.
Women's Cancers Program, Department of Pathology, Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA 89195, USA.

PURPOSE: To critically assess the accuracy and reproducibility of human epidermal growth factor receptor type 2 (HER-2) testing in outside/local community-based hospitals versus two centralized reference laboratories and its effect on selection of women for trastuzumab (Herceptin)-based clinical trials.

EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Breast cancer specimens from 2,600 women were prospectively evaluated by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for entry into Breast Cancer International Research Group (BCIRG) clinical trials for HER-2-directed therapies.

RESULTS: HER-2 gene amplification by FISH was observed in 657 of the 2,502 (26%) breast cancers successfully analyzed. Among 2,243 breast cancers with central laboratory immunohistochemistry (10H8-IHC) analysis, 504 (22.54%) showed overexpression (2+ or 3+). Outside/local laboratories assessed HER-2 status by immunohistochemistry in 1,536 of these cases and by FISH in 131 cases. Overall, the HER-2 alteration status determined by outside/local immunohistochemistry showed a 79% agreement rate [kappa statistic, 0.56; 95% confidence interval (95% CI), 0.52-0.60], with FISH done by the central laboratories. The agreement rate comparing BCIRG central laboratory 10H8-IHC and outside/local laboratory immunohistochemistry was 77.5% (kappa statistic, 0.51; 95% CI, 0.46-0.55). Finally, HER-2 status, determined by unspecified FISH assay methods at outside/local laboratories, showed a 92% agreement rate (kappa statistic, 0.83; 95% CI, 0.73-0.93), with FISH done at the BCIRG central laboratories.

CONCLUSIONS: Compared with the HER-2 status determined at centralized BCIRG reference laboratories, these results indicate superiority of FISH to accurately and reproducibly assess tumors for the HER-2 alteration at outside/local laboratories for entry to clinical trials.

PMID: 16166438 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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