20 oktober 2016: Bron: AAO 2016, the 120th annual meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

Een Mediterraandieet met veel fruit en extra vitamines C en E en de antioxidanten caffeine en betacaroteen beschermt ouderen (55 plus) tegen het krijgen van glaucoom, een oogziekte die uiteindelijk tot blindheid leidt.

Uit een grote langjarige gerandomiseerde studie bij 55 plussers (N = 883) blijkt dat maar liefst 35% minder glaucoom voorkwam bij de mensen die hadden aangegeven veel fruit en groenten te eten passend binnen een Mediterraandieet. Ook kwam uit de vragenlijsten naar voren dat wie regelmatig voedingssupplementen innam en dan met name vitamine E en C en betacaroteen en ook regelmatig via koffie en thee caffeine binnenkregen dit bijdroeg aan minder kansen op glaucoom.

Dat je door een gezonde leefstijl en voeding alleen al een ernstige ziekte als glaucoom kunt voorkomen naast alle andere voordelen van een gezonde leefstijl lijkt mij weer een reden te meer om uw leefstijl en voedingspatroon aan te passen, als u dat nog niet deed.


Hier de kernpunten uit de Portugese studie die gepresenteerd werd op AAO 2016, the 120th annual meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology:

Researchers at the University of Coimbra in Portugal studied 883 people age 55 or older in the central region of the country between 2013 and 2015. Of those, 449 had AMD in its early stages before vision loss, and 434 did not have AMD. Researchers assessed their diets based on a questionnaire asking how often they ate foods associated with the Mediterranean diet. The more they ate foods associated with the diet, the higher the score, from 0-9. Those who closely followed the diet scored a 6 or greater. Their findings were as follows:

  • Higher diet adherence scores meant lower AMD risk. Of those who did not closely follow the diet (scored below a 6), 50 percent had AMD. Of those who did closely follow the diet (scored 6 or above), only 39 percent had AMD. This represents a 35 percent lower risk compared to those who did not adhere to the diet.
  • Fruits were especially beneficial. Researchers analyzed consumption of foods and found that people who consumed higher levels of fruit were significantly less likely to have AMD. Of those who consumed 150 grams (about five ounces) or more of fruit a day: 54.5 percent did not have AMD and 45.5 percent had AMD. Overall, people who ate that much fruit or more each day were almost 15 percent less likely to have AMD, based on an odds ratio calculation.
  • Caffeine and antioxidants also were protective. Researchers used a computer program to analyze the participants’ consumption of micronutrients, according to their answers on the questionnaire. They found higher consumption of antioxidants such as caffeine, beta-carotene and vitamins C and E was protective against AMD. Of those who consumed high levels of caffeine (about 78 mg a day, or the equivalent of one shot of espresso): 54.4 percent did not have AMD and 45.1 percent had AMD.

While caffeine is not considered part of the Mediterranean diet per se, consumption of caffeine-containing foods such as coffee and tea is common in Mediterranean countries. The researchers opted to look at caffeine because it is a powerful antioxidant that is known to be protective against other conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease.

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Fruit-Rich Mediterranean Diet with Antioxidants May Cut AMD Risk by More than a Third

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