15 april 2011: Bron PLoS ONE. Published online April 6, 2011

Jarenlang gebruik van antidepressieva zou de kans op eierstokkanker en borstkanker significant vergroten. Dit zijn de resultaten uit een grote meta analyse van resultaten uit 61 studies gedaan naar dit onderwerp.

De gezamenlijke odds ratio (OR) voor een relatie tussen antidepressiva en kanker in de epidemiologische studies was 1.11 (95% confidence interval (CI), 1.03 – 1.20). Kijkend naar TCA gebruik alleen, de OR was lager (OR, 1.05; 95% CI, 0.98 – 1.14). De OR voor SSRIs was 1.07 (95% CI, 0.99 – 1.51). Alle studies behalve 1 uit studies naar SSRI's  rapporteerden een positieve relatie tussen SSRI's en kanker, Opmerkelijk is dat in een artikel in Medscape  wordt opgemerkt dat studies gedaan door onderzoekers met financiele banden met de industrie minder bewijs vonden dan studies die "onafhankelijk" werden uitgevoerd.

Hier enkele citaten uit het artikel van Medscape. Het volledige artikel kunt u lezen als u hier klikt.

"When we looked at the older antidepressants, the TCAs, the data for the TCAs were all over the map — some had negative findings, some had positive findings, but when you look at the SSRIs, there's 1 study that did not find a positive association. I think that's a startling finding from the subanalysis. At the very least, it yells at you that we need more research on this," she said.

The study also found that researchers with industry affiliations were significantly less likely than researchers without industry ties to conclude that antidepressants increase the risk for breast or ovarian cancer, Dr. Cosgrove noted.

"There was a statistically significant relationship between researchers' industry ties and conclusions regarding antidepressants and cancer, with a P value as per 2-sided Fisher's exact test equal to .0012," she said.

Don't Ignore the Outlier

According to Dr. Payne, 1 study that did not find a positive association between antidepressant use and cancer was a very large epidemiologic study of more than 39,000 patients by Dalton et al (Epidemiology. 2000;11:171-176).

This was a population-based cohort study that estimated the incidence of cancer after antidepressant treatment in 39,807 adults living in Denmark between 1989 and 1995 from data obtained from the Danish Cancer Registry.

The study authors concluded that there was little evidence that antidepressants promote cancer, except for a possible effect of TCAs and tetracyclic antidepressants on non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.


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