Zie ook literatuurlijsten preventie van niet-toxische middelen en behandelingen van arts-bioloog drs. Engelbert Valstar

29 april 2019: Bron: BMC Breast cancer research

Regelmatig gebruik van aspirine en NSAID's (niet steroide ontstekingsremmers) kan voorkomen dat vrouwen die een hoog risico op borstkanker hebben door bv BRCA 1 en BRCA 2 afwijkingen in de familie, maar ook door andere factoren, ook daadwerkelijk borstkanker krijgen. De resultaten uit een grote postpectieve studie (N = 5606) en een combinatiestudie van postpectief en retrospectief (N = 8233) waren toch wel opmerkelijk.

Regelmatig aspirinegebruik zou het risico op borstkanker met resp. 39 en 37 procent reduceren. Voor COX-2 remmers (NAISD's) lagen die percentages nog veel hoger. Respectievelijk 61 en 71 procent minder risico. 

(From fully adjusted analyses, regular aspirin use was associated with a 39% and 37% reduced risk of breast cancer in the prospective (HR = 0.61; 95% CI = 0.33–1.14) and combined cohorts (HR = 0.63; 95% CI = 0.57–0.71), respectively. Regular use of COX-2 inhibitors was associated with a 61% and 71% reduced risk of breast cancer (prospective HR = 0.39; 95% CI = 0.15–0.97; combined HR = 0.29; 95% CI = 0.23–0.38))

Wel waarschuwen ook de onderzoekers voor de nadelen van veel aspirine en NAISD gebruik.

De studie was zo opgezet:

Fig. 1

Fig. 1

Overview of the timeline of events in the Prospective Family Study Cohort. Legend: BCFR, Breast Cancer Family Registry; kConFab, Kathleen Cuningham Foundation Consortium for Research into Familial Breast Cancer. The prospective cohort includes women who were enrolled before June 30, 2011, aged 18–79 years at follow-up, with data on regular NSAID use, and with no personal history of breast cancer when regular NSAID use was asked by follow-up questionnaire (N = 5606). The combined cohort includes all women enrolled before June 30, 2011, aged 18–79 years at baseline, with data on regular NSAID use asked by follow-up questionnaire. In both cohorts, women were censored at the earliest of the following events: risk-reducing bilateral mastectomy, age 80 years, loss to follow-up, or death

Ik kan nog veel meer uit het studierapport halen maar het lijkt me beter als u geinteresseerd bent om dit studierapport: 

Regular use of aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and breast cancer risk for women at familial or genetic risk: a cohort study zelf te lezen of te downloaden.

Hier het abstract van de studie:

Regular use of aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and breast cancer risk for women at familial or genetic risk: a cohort study

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Breast Cancer Research201921:52


  • Received: 20 December 2018
  • Accepted: 5 April 2019
  • Published:



The use of aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) has been associated with reduced breast cancer risk, but it is not known if this association extends to women at familial or genetic risk. We examined the association between regular NSAID use and breast cancer risk using a large cohort of women selected for breast cancer family history, including 1054 BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers.


We analyzed a prospective cohort (N = 5606) and a larger combined, retrospective and prospective, cohort (N = 8233) of women who were aged 18 to 79 years, enrolled before June 30, 2011, with follow-up questionnaire data on medication history. The prospective cohort was further restricted to women without breast cancer when medication history was asked by questionnaire. Women were recruited from seven study centers in the United States, Canada, and Australia. Associations were estimated using multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression models adjusted for demographics, lifestyle factors, family history, and other medication use. Women were classified as regular or non-regular users of aspirin, COX-2 inhibitors, ibuprofen and other NSAIDs, and acetaminophen (control) based on self-report at follow-up of ever using the medication for at least twice a week for ≥1 month prior to breast cancer diagnosis. The main outcome was incident invasive breast cancer, based on self- or relative-report (81% confirmed pathologically).


From fully adjusted analyses, regular aspirin use was associated with a 39% and 37% reduced risk of breast cancer in the prospective (HR = 0.61; 95% CI = 0.33–1.14) and combined cohorts (HR = 0.63; 95% CI = 0.57–0.71), respectively. Regular use of COX-2 inhibitors was associated with a 61% and 71% reduced risk of breast cancer (prospective HR = 0.39; 95% CI = 0.15–0.97; combined HR = 0.29; 95% CI = 0.23–0.38). Other NSAIDs and acetaminophen were not associated with breast cancer risk in either cohort. Associations were not modified by familial risk, and consistent patterns were found by BRCA1 and BRCA2 carrier status, estrogen receptor status, and attained age.


Regular use of aspirin and COX-2 inhibitors might reduce breast cancer risk for women at familial or genetic risk.


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