27 maart 2012: Recent is nog een overzichtstudie gepubliceerd over mastic gum - mastika. Onderaan artikel staat het abstract van die studie. Als u hier klikt kunt u het volledige studierapport tegen betaling inzien.

d.d. 25 augustus 2003:
Al in 2001 vonden onderzoekers aan de universiteit van Nottingham Engeland dat mastic gum, een stofje gemaakt van een plantje dat alleen op de Griekse eilanden groeit, maagzweren voorkomt en geneest. Mastika zoals het ook wel in de Nederlandse volksmond wordt genoemd doodt de bacterie Heliocobacter pylori, vaak verantwoordelijk voor ziekte van Crohn en maag- en darmkanker. Hieronder een abstract van het studieverslag van de onderzoekers uit Nottingham en meerdere artikelen uit Engelse en Ierse kranten die de werking en oorsprong van mastika beschrijven zijn te vinden op de website www.mastika.com 

Mastic Gum Kills Helicobacter pylori.
Source: New England Journal of Medicine.
Farhad U. Huwez, M.R.C.P., Ph.D.
Barnet General Hospital, Barnet, Herts EN5 3DJ, United Kingdom
Debbie Thirlwell, B.Sc., Alan Cockayne, Ph.D.,
Dlawer A.A. Ala'Aldeen, Ph.D., M.R.C.Path.
University Hospital, Nottingham NG7 2UH, United Kingdom
To the Editor:
Even low doses of mastic gum -- 1 g per day for two weeks -- can cure peptic ulcers very rapidly, but the mechanism responsible has not been clear. We have found that mastic is active against Helicobacter pylori, which could explain its therapeutic effect in patients with peptic ulcers.
Mastic is a resinous exudate obtained from the stem and the main leaves of Pistacia lentiscus. It is used as a food ingredient in the Mediterranean region. Clinically, mastic has been effective in the treatment of benign gastric ulcers (1) and duodenal ulcers. (2) In rats, mastic showed cytoprotective and mild antisecretory properties. (3) We assessed the antibacterial properties of mastic against H. pylori.
The H. pylori strains NCTC 11637 (a standard reference strain) and six fresh clinical isolates (three were sensitive and three were resistant to metronidazole) were maintained by passage on 7 percent horse chocolate blood agar or in IsoSensitest broth (with 5 percent fetal-calf serum) at 37°C in a microaerobic atmosphere (6 percent oxygen and 5 percent carbon dioxide in nitrogen).

Mastic was prepared as a stock solution in ethanol at a concentration of 50 mg per milliliter and diluted in the broth culture (containing 107 cells of H. pylori per milliliter) for a final concentration ranging from 0.0075 to 1.0 mg per milliliter. Ethanol was added to control cultures at appropriate concentrations. The cultures were incubated, 10-µl aliquots were obtained and seeded on agar plates at various times for up to 48 hours, and the minimal bactericidal concentrations (the minimal concentration of drug required to kill 99.9 percent of the organisms in the medium after overnight incubation) were determined.

Mastic killed the H. pylori NCTC 11637 strain and the six clinical isolates (reduction in the viable count by a factor of 1000) irrespective of the organism's level of susceptibility to nitroimidazoles. The minimal bactericidal concentration at 24 hours for all strains that were studied was 0.06 mg of the crude mastic per milliliter. At lower concentrations, bacterial growth was still significantly inhibited, with a clear postantibiotic effect even at the lowest concentration used, 0.0075 mg per milliliter. Mastic induced clear ultrastructural changes in the organism, as demonstrated by transmission electron microscopy (data not shown).

These results suggest that mastic has definite antibacterial activity against H. pylori. This activity may at least partly explain the anti-peptic-ulcer properties of mastic. (1,2) Examination of the anti-H. pylori effect of the various constituents of mastic, which have been recently identified, (4) may pinpoint the active ingredient. Mastic is cheap and widely available in Third World countries; therefore, our data should have important implications for the management of peptic ulcers in developing countries.

1. Huwez FU, Al-Habbal MJ. Mastic in treatment of benign gastric ulcers. Gastroenterol Japon 1986;21:273-4.
2. Al-Habbal MJ, Al-Habbal Z, Huwez FU. A double-blind controlled clinical trial of mastic and placebo in the treatment of duodenal ulcer. J Clin Exp Pharm Physiol 1984;11:541-4.
3. Al-Said MS, Ageel AM, Parmar NS, Tariq M. Evaluation of mastic, a crude drug obtained from Pistacia lentiscus for gastric and duodenal anti-ulcer activity. J Ethnopharmacol 1986;15:271-8.
4. Papageorgiou VP, Bakola-Christianopoulou MN, Apazidou KK, Psarros EE. Gas chromatographic-mass spectroscopic analysis of the acidic triterpenic fraction of mastic gum. J Chromatogr 1997;769:263-73.

Chios mastic gum could be considered as a conglomeration of effective anticancer drugs

Nutr Cancer. 2011 Nov;63(8):1174-84. Epub 2011 Nov 1.

Current evidence on the anticancer potential of Chios mastic gum.


Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Medical School, University of Athens, Athens, Greece. cgiaginis@yahoo.gr


Chios mastic gum derived from the plant Pistacia lentiscus L. variation chia has been shown to exert beneficial effects on a wide range of human disorders. The most comprehensive data so far have indicated that mastic gum provides protection against gastrointestinal malfunctions and bacterial infections. Substantial evidence has also suggested that mastic gum exhibits hepatoprotective and cardioprotective, antiinflammatory/antioxidant, and antiatherogenic properties. In the last decade, an increasing number of studies further evaluated the potential antiproliferative properties of mastic gum against several types of human neoplasia. The present review aims to summarize the current data concerning the anticancer activities of mastic gum and their major constituents, highlighting also the molecular mechanisms through which they exert anticancer function. Mastic gum constituents that belong to the chemical class of triterpenoids appear to be mainly responsible for its anticancer potential. Thus, a brief discussion is dedicated to the anticancer activity of synthetic and naturally occurring triterpenoid analogues with similar chemical structure to mastic gum constituents. Taking into consideration the available data so far, Chios mastic gum could be considered as a conglomeration of effective anticancer drugs.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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