22 juli 2019: Bron: Radiation journal

Op internet wordt regelmatig gewaarschuwd voor deodorant gebruik. Dit zou de kans op borstkanker bv vergroten. Maar er is weinig onderzoek naar gedaan. Zie deze reviewstudie uit 2016 die slechts 2 gerandomiseerde studies kon vinden:

Breast Cancer and Deodorants/Antiperspirants: a Systematic Review

Uit enkele andere gerandomiseerde studies blijkt wel dat deodorant gebruik naast radiotherapie / bestraling in ieder geval geen verhoogd risico mee zich meebrengt op borstkanker of op extra complicaties. Dit schrijft als toelichting arts-bioloog drs. Valstar bij de studievermelding in zijn lijst:

Aluminium bevattende deodorant gebruiken tijdens bestraling van de oksel vanwege borstkanker vergroot de kans op irritatie of uitslag ter plekke niet. Ook was er geen verschil bij wel en niet gebruik op de kwaliteit van leven. Goed wassen volstaat voor de kwaliteit van leven, maar deodorant is ook ok.

Het gaat om deze studie: 

Randomized Control Trial: Evaluating Aluminum-Based Antiperspirant Use, Axilla Skin Toxicity, and Reported Quality of Life in Women Receiving External Beam Radiotherapy for Treatment of Stage 0, I, and II Breast Cancer

Ook de volgende studies geven aan dat deodorant gebruik naast bestraling / radiotherapie geen extra gevaar oplevert:

Avoiding Antiperspirants During Breast Radiation Therapy: Onco-Myth or Sound Advice?


This is the first dosimetric assessment of the effect of aluminum-containing antiperspirants for patients undergoing breast RT, and our findings show that there is no significant difference on skin dose. Survey results confirm that patients are routinely advised to avoid these products during RT. We conclude that the use of antiperspirants during breast RT can be liberalized without risk for increased axillary dermatitis, which may improve patient quality-of-life.

En ook deze studies bevestigen voorgaande conclusie:

Hier het abstract van de eerstgenoemde studie:

Randomized Control Trial: Evaluating Aluminum-Based Antiperspirant Use, Axilla Skin Toxicity, and Reported Quality of Life in Women Receiving External Beam Radiotherapy for Treatment of Stage 0, I, and II Breast Cancer

Linda C. Watson, R.N., Ph.D.(c), CON(C),,'Correspondence information about the author R.N., Ph.D.(c), CON(C) Linda C. Watson
Donna Gies, R.N., CON(C), CHPCN(C)
Emmanuel Thompson, Ph.D.(c)
Bejoy Thomas, Ph.D.§,


Standard skin care instructions regarding the use of antiperspirants during radiotherapy to the breast varies across North America. Women have articulated that when instructed to not use antiperspirant, the potential for body odor is distressing. Historical practices and individual opinions have often guided practice in this field. The present study had 2 purposes. To evaluate whether the use of aluminum-based antiperspirant while receiving external beam radiotherapy for stage 0, I, or II breast cancer will increase axilla skin toxicity and to evaluate whether the use of antiperspirant during external beam radiotherapy improves quality of life.


A total of 198 participants were randomized to either the experimental group (antiperspirant) or control group (standard care-wash only). The skin reactions in both groups were measured weekly and 2 weeks after treatment using the National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria Adverse Events, version 3, toxicity grading criteria. Both groups completed the Functional Assessment for Chronic Illness Therapy’s questionnaire for the breast population quality of life assessment tool, with additional questions evaluating the effect of underarm antiperspirant use on quality of life before treatment, immediately after treatment, and 2 weeks after treatment during the study.


The skin reaction data were analyzed using the generalized estimating equation. No statistically significant difference was seen in the skin reaction between the 2 groups over time. The quality of life data also revealed no statistically significant difference between the 2 groups over time.


Data analysis indicates that using antiperspirant routinely during external beam radiotherapy for Stage 0, I, or II breast cancer does not affect the intensity of the skin reaction or the self-reported quality of life. This evidence supports that in this particular population, there is no purpose to restrict these women from using antiperspirants during their treatment, and the decision to use an antiperspirant or not in this setting should be left to the discretion of the patient.

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