2 december 2021: Bron: https://www.biorxiv.org/

Duitse wetenschappers beweren op basis van laboratoriumstudies dat regelmatig je mond spoelen met Aroniasap en granaatappelsap  en groene thee influenzavirussen maar ook het coronavirus - Covid-19 elimineert en zodoende ervoor kan zorgen dat je het coronavirus niet gemakkelijk aan anderen doorgeeft en jezelf daarmee ook beschermt tegen ernstig ziek worden.

Aroniasap is een biologisch sap van de eerste persing van de aroniabes, die ook wel appelbes wordt genoemd en had het grootste effect. "Een mondspoeling van vijf minuten met Aronia melanocarpa-sap produceerde sterkere antivirale activiteiten en geïnactiveerd influenza A-virus (IAV), SARS-CoV-2 en ook AdV5 met respectievelijk 99,99%, 96,98% en 93 23%", aldus de onderzoekers.

SARS-CoV-2 werd ook met ongeveer 80% verminderd door granaatappelsap en groene thee na slechts één minuut mondspoeling.
Wetenschappers benadrukken dat SARS-CoV-2 kan worden overgedragen voordat de symptomen verschijnen, wat bijzonder verraderlijk is. Daarom bevelen de auteurs van het onderzoek aan om te gorgelen met de sappen en thee om de verspreiding van het virus tijdens de huidige COVID-19-pandemie te voorkomen.
Experts legden uit dat deze en andere natuurlijke sappen, evenals groene thee, virussen kunnen verzwakken door een zure omgeving en planten polyfenolen reduceren de viruslast met 80%.

Uit het studierapport:

We onderzochten en vergeleken de virusdodende activiteiten van vier natuurlijke dranken op een surrogaatvirus en drie respiratoire virussen en ontdekten dat appelbessap, groene thee en granaatappelsap de infectieuze titers van omhulde virussen verlaagden, waarbij appelbessap het meest efficiënt was. De geteste voedingsproducten vertoonden de hoogste antivirale werkzaamheid tegen IAV, met ≥ 4 log10, wat overeenkomt met de effectiviteit van typische desinfectiemiddelen. De hoge gevoeligheid van IAV (H1N1), die ook representatief is voor influenza B en andere influenzastammen met betrekking tot chemische stabiliteit, wijst op een lage veerkracht van deze virusfamilie. SARS-CoV-2 gedroeg zich vergelijkbaar met het Europese modelvirus voor omhulde virussen, MVA, en bleek veerkrachtiger.

Figure 1:

Figure 1:Virucidal activity of natural products against MVA, IAV, SARS-CoV-2 and AdV5.

MVA, IAV (A/H1N1/Brisbane/59/2007), SARS-CoV-2 (BetaCoV/France/IDF0372/2020), or AdV5 (adenoid 75) were incubated with the plant derived products for indicated contact times before serial titration and inoculation of target cells. Viral titers were determined by monitoring cytopathic effect and calculated as tissue culture infectious dose 50 (TCID50) according to Spearman-Kaerber. The lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) is defined by limit of titration (dotted line) or cytotoxicity of the compound (#). Error bars indicate standard deviation and italics above corresponding bars the decrease of titers compared to control.

De Duitse studie is gepubliceerd in biorxiv maar nog niet peer reviewed. Klik op het abstract voor het studierapport dat gratis volledig is in te zien of te downloaden. Met uitgebreid beschreven hoe zij te werk zijn gegaan enz.

Antiviral activity of plant juices and green tea against SARS-CoV-2 and influenza virus in vitro

Carina ConzelmannTatjana WeilRüdiger GroßPeggy JungkeBruno FrankMaren EggersJanis A. MüllerJan Münch


We examined and compared the virucidal activities of four natural beverages on a surrogate and three respiratory viruses and found that chokeberry juice, green tea and pomegranate juice reduced infectious titers of enveloped viruses with chokeberry juice being most efficient. The tested food products showed the highest antiviral efficacy against IAV, with ≥ 4 log10, which corresponds to the effectiveness of typical disinfectants. The high susceptibility of IAV (H1N1), which is also a representative of influenza B and other influenza strains with regard to chemical stability, indicates low resilience of this virus family. SARS-CoV-2 behaved similar to the European model virus for enveloped viruses, MVA, and proved to be more resilient. Nevertheless, chokeberry juice inactivated >96% infectivity and pomegranate juice and green tea reduced titers, however, to a lesser extent. Notably, activity against MVA is prerequisite for validation of general disinfectant property of chemicals according to the European Chemicals Agency [11] and suggestive of broad activity against all enveloped viruses. As expected, the non-enveloped adenovirus, was less susceptible to the tested products, however, was also affected by the very potent chokeberry juice. Generally, differences in contact times did not have a strong influence on the efficiency of inactivation suggesting a rapid acting antiviral effect.

The antiviral activities of the plant products can be based on an acidic pH that may directly inactivate virus particles or by (poly-)phenols such as catechins, tannins or flavonoids that can act on viral and cellular proteins [12,13]. For example, pomegranate polyphenols were shown to inhibit influenza viruses by acting on virion surface glycoproteins and causing structural damage to the virion [14]. Similarly, green tea catechins have been shown to destroy the virion structure and epigallocatechin gallate aggregates virus particles to prevent their interaction with target cells [15]. Catechins not only act on the virus particles but have additionally been shown to prevent fusion by interfering with endosome acidification and viral enzymes. For theaflavin-3,3′-digallat computer modelling suggested that it might prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection by interacting with its cellular receptor angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) [13,15]. Of note, the composition of natural food products may vary between batches, which might affect their antiviral efficiency. Nevertheless, the composition of various antivirally active components, acting by different mechanisms, represents a potent mix interfering with virus infection.

Since viral replication, symptoms and transmission occur in the naso- and oropharyngeal area, reducing viral titers as early as possible might represent a proactive strategy to prevent infection, dissemination, disease, and spread. The herbal products are common and available food preparations that could be applied as convenient “oral rinses”. Antiseptic oral rinses containing membrane-damaging agents (i.e. ethanol, chlorhexidine, cetylpyridinium chloride, hydrogen peroxide and povidone-iodine) are used in various private or clinical situations for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes and have further been applied in the context of viral infections [4,5]. In contrast to these chemical preparations, green tea and herbal juices can be applied more frequently and may be simply swallowed. Gargling tea, tea extracts or plant juice followed by drinking has already been shown to lower the incidence of influenza virus infections, viral loads and symptoms [8,9]. Similarly, antivirally active plant products such as chokeberry [7] or pomegranate [6] juice might be translated into “clinical” use against influenza viruses and SARS-CoV-2.

In the case of SARS-CoV-2, the virus may be passed before symptom onset, which is particularly treacherous. Oral rinsing and gargling with the tested juices and tea are largely unproblematic in long-term use and might be a suitable pre- and postexposure prophylaxis against SARS-CoV-2 during the current COVID-19 pandemic for any individual but especially those with high risk of infection or severe disease including healthcare workers, elderly, or immunocompromised. Additionally, the possibility of swallowing the “oral rinse” is practical in many situations such as during a flight, train or car ride, in day-care centres or schools and can even be part of a healthy diet. Furthermore, it would be helpful to reduce the risk of transmission in school classes and children by using nutritionally valuable and healthy food products instead of aggressive disinfectants or obstructive measures.

Thus, the administration of chokeberry juice, pomegranate juice or green tea may offer a possibility to minimize the spread of enveloped respiratory viruses, ease symptoms and potentially contribute to disease prevention and clinical investigation of their benefits is warranted.


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